Chapter 9- The Invitation

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"Miss (y/n)," Kagura threatened, her face set into a mask of deadly calmness. "You followed a total stranger wearing a hood and is chased by soldiers outside the sea port?!"

I smile sheepishly. "He did save my life..."

Yukino taps a finger on her chin. "I think it's kind of romantic..."

My cheeks flare up. Ro-romantic?

"Oh my god," I cry out, stopping abruptly. "I never thanked him for saving me!"

"Saving you?" Kagura disputed. "I could have saved you, Miss, if he hadn't gotten in the way."

I smile at her. "I'll never forget how sweet you can be, Kagura."

Kagura blushes a pale pink, making Yukino laugh.

When we arrive at the square in the center of the sea port, an unusual wooden structure is set up. The structure was just a large, sleek crate of wood of about my height- with two stairs on each side.

"What's this?" Yukino muttered, and others around me did as well.

"No idea," Kagura answered, uninterested. "Let's get (y/n) the 'supplies' she needs first, and then we'll figure out this situation."

As we investigated the pears I had forgotten to buy last time, two soldiers came onto the crate, one on each side.

Each were holding up the flag of Sabertooth, and a short man wearing a cravat and a brown outfit waddled onto the stage. 

He coughed, aiming to get the attention of the crowd, yet no one heard him.

One of the soldiers rolled his eyes, and raised one foot and stomped hard on the wood.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Royal Palace has been given the honor to hold the final ball for Prince Sting Eucliffe. This ball will establish marriage, and upon the Prince's request, all girls of the nation are invited."

Cue the squealing, headbanging, fainting, Kagura rolling her eyes, Yukino giggling, and me jaw dropping.

A public ball?

"This is crazy, but I'd enjoy going," Yukino smiled.

"So you get to see your dear Rogue," I tease, winking at her and Kagura smirks.

"G-guys!" Yukino cries, flabbergasted. "W-well (y/n), y-you sh-shouldn't tease m-me! Y-you p-probably want to m-meet up with y-your unnamed l-lover!"

Kagura snaps her head rowards Yukino, a dangerous and glinting look in her eyes. "What?! Miss (y/n), I do not whatsoever approve of you going!" she says coolly.

My head is spinning.

I hadn't thought about that at all.

Would he be there? Is it worth going if he wasn't?

But... what if he will be there?

Would he be waiting for me?

Yukino and Kagura watched me go mist-eyed.

They shared a knowing look- she's thinking too much about it.

"Hey," Yukino bumps her elbow softly against mine. "Let's bring these back and then get into the details, okay?"

I nodd.

About 10 minutes later, a crossroad reaches and I wave them goodbye.

As I stroll down the dry, dirt path l think about the message again. Why did the Prince make his last ball before marriage public? Was it just to make it special?

I carefully open the door to my home, only to be greeted by over enthusiastic, high-pitched screeches.

Chelia and Sherry were jumping up and down, not caring that their dresses were getting ruffled and their hair tangled. Minerva sat in the corner, delicately holding a parchment-colored paper inbetween her fingers.

"Ah, (y/n)," she smirks, gliding towards me. "Could you read this to me, sweetheart?" the ravenette drawled, and I wrinkled my nose but took the paper.

"Yes!" Chelia shrieked. "Read it again!"

The paper felt smooth and cool against my warm fingers when I unfolded it.

I started with a calm voice, contrasting my beating heart of fear. "Honorable Master (l/n)."

My voice anxiously caught in my throat, and I forced down tears.

So, even seeing his name written on paper will make me cry.

"You are invited by His Majesty the King to attend the 6th and last ball of his son Prince Sting Eucliffe.

All your daughters are invited to come at private invitation, and given special permission to access the castle.

The King expects you at the ball in exactly 3 days from now, before the sun sets.

Regards, The Palace."

That caused Chelia and Sherry to start squealing again, but instantly shushed by Minerva, who placed her hands on one of their shoulders and gave them a daughter-mother pep talk.

I wasn't listening to their conversation, and I wasn't interested either. I brushed my thumb against the dark blue seal of our kingdom, loving the hard texture.

I laughed to myself.

Here I am, admiring the toughness of such a seal, being able to withstand against the burning heat as they pressed the Sabertooth insignia in too it.

I wasn't very surprised that we were invited though, since father-

"(y/n), go to the tailor now! I am expecting the most beautiful, dazzling dresses!" she twirled through the room, still smirking, but frowned when she saw me looking down.

"I expect you back in an hour," she threatened, not hiding her tone as she did the past weks.

And I was dismissed.

Going outside for the so manieth time today, I sighed.

I never expected to get this tired of being outside.

Then again, everything is a surprise nowadays.

Sting looked down sadly at the green apple in his hand.

He stroked the shiny surface with his thumb, and it reflected his features.

Sting grimaced at the look in his own eyes, hating himself for feeling lonely. His father was laughing less and less, the docter visiting more and more.

Sting lost his mother, and now must he lose his father?

Who will help him back up as his father did when his mother died?


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