Chapter 2

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“Mumma when we ll reach Delhi” asked Aishu from her corner window seat where Arjun is sleeping by hugging his mom.

“They ll make an announcement call Aishu” said Pragya by caressing her face and tucking her hair behind her ear.

And the announcement made,Pragya was sinking in as she is in India after 6 long years she is going through different kind of emotions.

Ajju wake up” said Aishu but he was in his deep sleep as he couldnt even open his eyes.

“Let him Aishu baby I ll lift him” said Pragya and as their flight landed they stepped down.

“Arey yaar if you wanna receive your friend why you are making me to wait I ll go by myself you receive your friend” said irked Abhi who was in airport as he just came from Mumbai and received by Purab and Bulbul.

“Bhai however we all gonna home na so lets wait we ll receive them they are coming India after years and here there is no one except Purab” said Bulbul.

“Haan Bhai you wont wait some more time for me” said Purab melodramatically.

“Okay I will wait dont make scene here” sighed Abhi and Bulbul chuckled at his expression.

Abhi feels some uneasiness and some instinct he doesnt know what was he going through he thought he is feeling something unusual because of travel but his heart says he gonna get something which he lost.

Purab’s phone rang,
“Haan di bolo I am waiting here where are you said Purab who loves Pragya and feels her as his own sister.

“ okay dont worry we ll come there” said Purab and hangs up the call.

Abhi and Bulbul looked puzzled.

“Bulbul di’s luggage gone missed seems to be someone interchanged bag unknowingly and she is struggling there come lets go” said Purab and left with Bulbul where Abhi feels irked coz it gonna be late for some more time.

Suddenly his eyes fall on cute little baby who is smiling at him from its mumma’s lap.Immediately his thoughts travelled to his baby’s dreams.He wish he could have a very own lovely life with his baby and Pragya.By thinking of that his eyes brimmed with tears.

Then he saw Bulbul coming towards him holding a 5 year old boy in her hand who is sleeping cutely and peacefully.

“Oye Bulbul from whom you steal this cute boy” said Abhi by slightly caressing his chubby cheeks with back of his fingers which he never done with any kids on the first meet and even without knowing who is the kid he feels some kinda happiness while doing that.

“Shhh shut up bhai its her son he was sleeping tight and there they are shouting in customs so his mom gave him to me and ask me take him from the noise so I took him here” said Bulbul for which Abhi smiled in response.

“Uff bhai I forget I wanna book appointment with my designer if you dont mind can you please hold him I will be back in my 5 minutes I swear” said Bulbul with a pleading face Abhi smiled and nods his head and took Arjun in his arms.

At the moment he feels a pure feeling on holding Arjun.He doesnt know how to express what he feels but he feels happy and satisfied by holding him in his arms.Again his thoughts wandering around Pragya and his baby again and again.He himself doesnt know why they are occupying him today in his thoughts more than anytime.

Arjun perfectly fits in his arms and he rested his head on Abhi’s shoulder and Abhi holds him protectively.Arjun’s hand clutched his shirt and he feels so comfort and continued his nap happily.Abhi saw his face with full of love and care and kissed his forehead.He himself doesnt know why he did this.He lifted him a bit to make him to feel more comfort.

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