Mica Milkweed

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"The World Is Cruel and Unforgiving. . ."

"The world is cruel and unforgiving

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"The world is cruel and unforgiving. . .", Mica Milkweed repeated the words to herself over and over like a mantra. Her father had been lost to a top secret recruitment from some shady government organization and her mother—her poor dear, departed mother—had succumbed to death after giving birth to Mica's baby brother. So, Mica was now not only an orphan left to fend for herself—but she also had the responsibility of caring for her baby brother who at that exact moment she was in the midst of trying to save. . .

"You will NOT separate us! Haven't you already done enough damage? This is all your fault! It's your fault that we are a broken family!" Mica screamed at the three men in black suits and dark shaded glasses.

"Now Mica, please be reasonable, don't you see we are trying to help? We know you no longer have a home now so we are trying to help you. To invite you into our safe sanctuary. We are offering you a new home—a safer home—a better home. You should really be thanking us Mica Milkweed."

"For what?!" Mica spat back. "First you take our father away and now you want to separate me from my baby brother? Ha! I don't think so!" Mica shook her head vigorously, her straight black hair falling across her face, her grey eyes flashing silver. She clutched the infant to her chest.

"You cannot take care of him on your own Mica. Trust us. Everything will be fine. Repeat after me,

I am a product of my people. For my people, "I" turn from "Me" to "We". This world is perfect as perfect as can be for my people and for me.

But Mica held her brother with one hand and covered her ear with the other.

"No! You will not hypnotize me!" She shook her head and sang a lullaby her mother sung to her since she was a baby. . .

Mica My Mineral
Milkweed My Monarch
Remember your Mommy--
In your Memory
My Mica Milkweed

"Now now, Mica that won't do to talk over us—ignoring us just makes the process all the more difficult. Don't make this harder than it has to be Mica. Just memorize this mesmerizing mantra and your whole life will become so much easier. . .You will be able to see beyond the sea! To fly free!"

"The World is Cruel and Unforgiving." Mica repeated aloud for the third time as she wrapped the soft, fuzzy, blue blanket tighter around her brother turning him into a baby burrito.

"My my, Mica! Such a negative attitude." The three men in black clicked their tongues simultaneously. "This will not do. This will not do at all!" They said in unison. "We are losing our patience Mica Milkweed. Its best not to anger us!"

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