Concert In A Can Pt. 2

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Marcus' POV
We were just playing random songs. The Y/N had an idea. "Hey, let's play Kill Em With Kindness By Selena Gomez!" She suggested. "I'm good with that." I said. "But let's warm up a little more first." Chase said. "Oh by the way, for this being the first practice we sound pretty good you guys have pretty raw talent." I said.

After Marcus complemented us I was about to say something but Adam spoke first. "Well, if our talent is raw, then we better get cooking." Then he plays the stereotypical comedy drums. "Awe come one! I was gonna say that!" I said earning a laugh from Marcus. "Leo what are you doing?" Chase asked. "Just asking Marcus a few questions. When were you born? Where do you live? Who's the president of Venezuela? Leo bombarded Marcus. "I don't know." Marcus replied looking at him weird. "Ah so he's not from Venezuela." Leo confirmed. "He never said he was." I said earning a glare from Leo. "Ok this practice has just become band members ONLY." I said emphasizing only. "Then I guess I'm in the band" Leo said looking at Marcus weird. "You don't even know how to play an instrument." Chase said. "That's where you're wrong." Leo claimed and attempted to play various instruments. When he pulled out the accordion Adam started dancing causing me and Marcus to laugh slightly then look at Adam weirdly. Leo finished. "Like Chase said. You don't even know how to play an instrument." I said. "Guys, let him in. He could play this." Marcus grabs a cowbell of the couch. I stifle a laugh going yet another glare from Leo. Leo takes it and says "Thank you." He hits it once then says "Hey! I'm a natural!" He said. Marcus and I acting like he did have talent. We started playing again Leo getting off beat slightly, then Mr. Davenport walked in and turned off the AMP. "Wha- hey!" I said. "It's not playing the notes but getting them in the right order." He said. Adam played the comedy sound again. "Oh my-- y-you're Donald Davenport!" Marcus said excited. "Guilty as charged." He said cockily. "The genius inventor entrepreneur." Marcus continued. "Don't forget multi-lingo mega star." He said arrogantly, as I rolled my eyes. "Oh gracias." Marcus said smiling. "De nada." Mr.Davenport said. "I'd love to hear your theory on plasmic gasification." Marcus said. "Who wouldn't." He said.

Marcus' POV
I was kissing up to Donald so much I wanted to strangle myself and him for his ginormous ego. "Hey, Bree and I were gonna demo the 'Holo Pet' for career day. But since you guys have a band, maybe we could demo my concert in a can instead, that would be such a cook surprise for her!" He said. "That is good! That is good! What is it?" I said and asked even though I knew what it was. "It creates a virtual concert experience I made for those of us who would be rock stars if we weren't being genius inventors." He said while I inwardly gagged. "Well you're a rock star to me." I said faking a smile. "I know. Bree is gonna love this!" He said walking off. I HATE HIS EGO! "Well before we attempt "Kill Em With Kindness", let's take a break." Y/N suggested. "Well, I'm gonna go get his giant mega AMP because everyone knows that louder is better." Adam said. "Uh, don't you think I should help you? You know since you don't have the strength of ten men." Chase said trying to keep their secret. "Yes I do... Not..... I'm frail." Adam says realizing his mistake. Then they run off. "Imma use the bathroom." Y/N said and left. Me and Leo are the only ones in the room. "Wow. Marcus, you on guitar and me on cowbell is like... Magic." Leo says putting his hand on my shoulder I raise my brow and push it off. "Well don't get used to it, k? The only reason I let you join the band was so you'd stop sniffing around my business." I said brow still raised he laughs nervously and says. "That's funny...... Oh wait your serious." I back away grab my guitar and smash it. "What is wrong with you why would you break your own guitar?!" Leo asked I look and see their all almost back I give Leo the guitar and say. "What is wrong with you?! Why would... He break my guitar?!" I said breaking down into tears. "Leo!" Y/N said running and then hugs me. I was shocked but then hugged back burying  my face in her hair. "No-- but---I--- he--- oh...." Leo said realizing what I had done. Then they start arguing, except for Y/N who was still hugging me. "I'm gonna go all CSI on this one!" Leo yelled. I pulled away from her and whispered "thank you..."  She smiled sympathetically. "I have a spare guitar. You can borrow." She offered. "Thanks." I said.

"Thanks for letting me borrow this guitar Y/N. It's almost as good as the one Leo so viciously smashed." I said looking sad. "Well, if I had a dime for everything of mine Leo broke.. I'd still be short about two-million in change." Donald said. "That's just the stuff you know about." Chase said. "We know nothing!" "No" Chase and Adam say. Y/N starts laughing.
*after the concert*
"Attention everyone! I have something I'd like to show you from our home security system." Leo said, I was getting nervous. "I have proof that---" "I have a confession to make." I said interrupting Leo. "Oh no you don't!" Leo said. "I did it. I broke the guitar." I said. "What's going on?" Donald asked. "I broke the guitar and blamed it on Leo I owe everyone an apology." I said. "You broke the guitar?" Chase asked. "Why didn't you just say so?" Y/N asked. "Yeah, why didn't you just say so?" Leo continued. "Because, I had already cracked the guitar, so if my dad knew that I broke it he'd be so mad at me because my family is so poor and I'm just so scared, cause I'm always the new kid and it's so hard to make friends and I just want everyone to like me and I'm just a dumb kid compared to all of you, and my grandma just died!" I said starting to cry. Y/N feeling bad instantly gives me a hug again, I'm shocked at first but hugged back and once again buried my face in her hair. Then Donald says. "Are you crying? Is he crying?"

I felt so bad for him. I instantly gave him a hug as Mr. Davenport says. "Are you crying? Is he crying?" "No, he's not crying he is sick look he has liquid falling from his eyes! Of course he's crying you idiot!" I yelled. "It's ok, Marcus." I said kindly. "Yeah it's no big deal." Mr. Davenport said. "Yeah, and you're not dumb." Chase said then Adam said. "Yeah and your grandma didn't die." I looked at him, and he mouthed "wha i don't know".

Marcus' POV
"No, he's not crying he is sick look he has liquid falling from his eyes! Of course he's crying you idiot!" Y/N yelled. I stifled a laugh. Then a bunch of 'its okays came' "Hey Marcus why don't you come out with us for dinner tonight." Donald said. "Mmk. You guys go ahead, I'd like to apologize to Leo." I said. Y/N hugs me one more time then they leave. "Well?" Leo says crossing his arms. I look at him with my brow raised. "You didn't think I was actually going to apologize, did you? They totally believe me. My grandma's not dead, she's in Miami playing shuffle board. I said laughing. "Why are you doing this?" Leo asked. "It's a long story, but let's just say, you're in my way.... Oh and if you ever try to rat me out again..... You're toast.... For real." I said. "Hey guys wait up!" I yell then back to Leo I say. "I don't wanna miss any of the fun." Then I walk out backwards and use my hands to sign to Leo 'I'm watching you'.

Leo's POV
"That guy is awesome!" Eddie said. Then I started to shake him rapidly. Then I stop. "I hope for Y/N sake and ours, that she doesn't fall for him. I fear it may end in heartbreak and she's like a sister to me. So that will not end well, her Bionics will go nuts! I can't let her get close to him." I said quietly to myself.

Marcus' POV
"Dad! I'm home!" I yelled. "Hey, how's it go?" He asked. "I smashed my guitar like you said blamed it on Leo, but he had proof of me doing it so I confessed and then for sympathy I said a bunch of things and ended on "and my grandma just died." They believed me and Y/N felt so bad she hugged me! This will be too easy." I said. "Good. Now a couple questions. 1. Did you hug her back?" He asked. "Yes." I replied. "2. Do you like her?" He asked. "Psssh, plz she's not my type she is cute though and very easily trusting." I said. "Good now off to charge ok?" He said. "Yes, dad." I said. "By tomorrow, I'll have her head over heels in love with me, shame she had to go she is cute." I said heading to 'bed'. "Watching her heart shatter will be awesome." I said and went to sleep.

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