Concert In A Can Pt. 1

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Background: you are a 13 year old high schooler you had skipped 8th grade, and you are bionic. Key: Y/N = Your Name F/C = Favorite Color N/N = Nickname H/C = hair color E/C = eye color; a/n It will not be exactly like the episode but kinda close so hope you enjoy!

"Y/N! It's time for school!" Mr. Davenport yelled. I was an Android programmed by Mr. Davenport's ex-co-worker Jack Jefferson. When I realized what I had to do I ran away from him, and found Donald's house and he made me HUMAN! Can you believe it? An Android is actually human, and I have bionics! I mean I did when I was an Android but I was able to keep my bionics when he made me human. I have Super Speed, Strength, Smarts, molecular Kinesis, basically all of Adam Bree and Chase's bionics plus invisibility. Adam is hilarious, Chase would be boring if we weren't on the same intellectual level, Leo is..... Well, a wimp, but I feel like I can tell him anything, and Bree is my best friend! Us girls need to stick together. "Y/N!" He yelled again. "Sorry Sir!" I yelled as I grabbed my f/c and white electric guitar, and super sped down stairs. "Remember Y/N no using your bionics at school, and have fun on your first day!" He said. "Also, call me Mr. Davenport. Not 'sir' you're not a solider here." He said. "Ok. Bye Mr. DP!" I said and waved bye.

Marcus' POV
"Marcus! Time for school!" Dad yelled. I super sped downstairs in my teen outfit, and my black and white guitar. "What's your mission?" Dad asked. I raised my eyebrow and replied. "To get Adam, Bree, and Chase to trust me. Eliminate anyone who may get in the way of said mission." "Or, if it is a girl who is close to them?" He quizzed. "Get her to fall in love with me. Piece of cake." I replied smirking eyebrow still raised. "WONDERFUL! You brilliant creation." Yep, bionic Android programmed to capture Adam, Bree, and Chase. I have every single one of their abilities, but more powerful. "Now off to school Marcus." Dad said.


It was break time so I went the the round bench in the middle of the hall. No one knew I could play guitar, not even Bree and I usually tell her everything. I wanted this to be a surprise. I pulled out my guitar from it's case and started to play "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten. I slowly started to gain a crowd, then the next thing I know a boy with brown hair and eyes with a white and black guitar starts playing with me. Then I started to sing the lyrics.
"Like a small boat. On the ocean. Sending big waves. Into motion. Like how a single word can make a heart open. I might only have one match, but I can make an explosion. And all those things I didn't say wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them aloud tonight can you hear my voice those time this is my..." Then the boy joins on the chorus. "Fight song take back my life song prove I'm alright..." I do a higher harmony while he does the melody on the word 'song' "Song! My power's turned on starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song and I don't really care if no body else believes cause I still got a lot of fight left in me." He takes second verse. "Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep everybody's worried bout me, in too deep, say I'm in too deep..." "In too deep" I echo, then start harmonizing. "Been two years I miss my home there's a fire burning in my bones, still believe yeah I still believe..." I stop till the chorus. "And all of those things I didn't say wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them allowed tonight can you hear my voice this time this is my..." I join back in. "Fight song take back my life song. Prove I'm alright..." Harmonized again. "Song! My power's turned on starting right now I'll be strong, I'll play my fight song and I don't really care if no body else believes cause I still got a lot of fight left in me. A lot of fight left in me. Like a small boat, on the ocean." We sang. "Sending big waves." He sang. "Into motion." I sang. Then back together. "Like how a single word can make a heart open. I might only have one match. But I can make an explosion. This is my fight song take back my life song prove I'm alright song! My power's turned on starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song and I don't really care if no body else believes cause I still got a lot of fight left in me. No I still got a lot of fight left in me." I harmonized at the end staring at the brown haired boy smiling while everyone who watched applauded. "Whoa, look at your guys' fingers go! It's like they have a brain of their own." Adam said. The boy looked at him with his brow raised. "N/N I didn't know you could sing... Or play! Why didn't you tell me?" Bree said. "I wanted to surprise you guys. Oh, I'm so rude sorry! I'm Y/N!" I said cheerfully to the boy now sitting next to me. "Marcus! You have an amazing voice, and your guitar skills, amazing!" He complimented. "Awe. Thanks, but you were much better." I said back. "Ahem?" Chase said. "Oh right sorry! This is Chase, the tall one is Adam, and the brown haired girl is Bree. Adam, Bree, Chase, this is Marcus." I said. "Hi." "Sup!" "Hello." They said. "Hey guys what's the deelio?" Leo asked. "Oh, me and this guy, just played a duet on "Fight Song" we also sang and it was AWESOME!" I squealed on the last word Chase and Marcus covering their ears. Chase because of his super senses, and Marcus because he's right next to me. "Hi I'm Marcus." Marcus said to Leo. "I know, we have gym together." Leo said, Marcus looking confused. "And study hall..." Leo continued hoping he'd eventually remember, but Marcus still looking confused. "And also Chemistry..." Leo said getting frustrated with Marcus. "We're Lab partners." Leo said. "Oh, I uh... Did not know that." Marcus aid with a nervous smile. "You new here?" Chase asked. "Yeah. You guys are the only people that have talked to me, I HATE being the new kid." "Yeah, we used to be the new kids that no one talked to... Now we're just the vaguely familiar kids that no one talks to." Chase said realizing that that is not a good thing. "I'm new to, this is my first day." I said. "Really? Me to!" Marcus said all excited. "Awesome! Maybe--" I was cut off by the bell. "Well, gotta head to math." I said sadly. "Wait, which teacher?" Marcus asked. "Mrs. Thompson. Why?" I asked. "Me too!" Marcus said. "Awesome. Now let's go get lost together!" I said laughing. "Ok." Marcus said laughing as well.

Leo's POV
I don't like this Marcus, he seems.... Weird.....

Marcus' POV
I was walking into school when I saw a girl with h/c and e/c playing a f/c guitar. She was playing "Fight Song", she's pretty good. I joined playing with her. And then she started singing. WOW HER VOICE IS AMAZING! Marcus! Focus on the mission I scolded my self in my head while playing then I started singing with her. After a while we finished. "Whoa, look at your guys' fingers go! It's like they have a brain of their own." The guy I assume as Adam says. Then we do introductions. I have math class with Y/N. "Awesome. Now let's go get lost together!" She said laughing. "Ok." I said laughing as well, before catching a glimpse of Leo, he doesn't trust me. Well I'll just have to get him out of my way.

*after math*
Still Marcus POV

"LUNCH TIME FINALLY!" I said. "YASSS it's Linch Tume!" Y/N said. "'Linch Tume'?" I asked and chuckled. "Yeah, sometimes I like to switch letters around.... Don't judge me.... I'm normal I swear....... That's a lie I'm so not normal." She said giggling. "Yeah, I noticed." I said and she playfully glared at me. We sat at the table where Chase and Adam were sitting. "Hey Marcus, hey Y/N." Chase said. "Howdy." Y/N replied.

"Howdy." I said. "So what are you guys up to?" I asked. "Nothing much." Then Marcus complimented me on my guitar again. "GUYS! We should start a band! But who could play bass guitar, me and Y/N will be guitarists and Y/N will be our vocalist as well. So who would play our bass?" Marcus asked. "How about Chase, he can learn almost any instrument just by looking at it. He's a musical genies and a natural to!" I suggested. "Great, Chase your out bass." Marcus said. "But what could I do? OH I GOT IT..... No I don't got it..." Adam said banging his chopsticks on the table. "I think you're going to be our drummer Adam." Me and Marcus said at the same time. I laughed nervously. That was weird. I thought to myself. "You just---" Chase was interrupted by Leo. "Hey." Leo said. "Hey! Guess what, Marcus, Adam, Y/N and I decided to start a band!" Chase said. "Whoa, don't you think it's a little soon? You guys just met." Leo said. "Too soon for what? Starting the deeply committed step of jamming together?" I asked sarcastically and gained a glare from Leo and a chuckle from Marcus. "But where could we practice. We have a pretty small place." Marcus said. "Oh I know. The Lab..." Adam said as me and Chase spit out our water and looked at him. Adam realized his mistake and said "oh lab---radore retriever park, n-nice acoustics, plus it has dogs *whispers to Chase* saved it!" "We can practice at our place." I said. "Hold your horses cowgirl." Leo said. "Don't you think it's a bad idea to let a complete stranger into our very private home?" Leo asked as I looked over to see a sad Marcus before Marcus said. "That's okay guys we don't have to jam... Not everyone needs a bright spot in their other wise horrible life." Marcus said his voice breaking ever so slightly. "Leo! Now you're making him feel bad!" I said as Marcus shook his hand as a sign of 'it's ok'. "Come to our place after school ok Marcus?" I said hugging him gently. "Ok. See you then." He said all chipper again. I walked out to my next class while Leo lectured Adam and Chase.

Marcus' POV

"I think you're gonna be our drummer Adam." Me and Y/N said at the same time. Then she laughed nervously. "You just--" Chase started. "Hey." Leo said. Oh, great this guy. "Hey! Guess what, Marcus, Adam, Y/N and I are starting a band." Chase said. "Whoa, don't you think it's a little soon? You guys just met." Leo said. "Too soon for what? Taking the deeply committed step of jamming together?" Y/N said sarcastically gaining a glare from Leo, I couldn't help but chuckle at her smart remark. She's got a quick wit. I like that. NO I DON'T! Stay on task Marcus! "But where could we practice? We have a pretty small place." I said. "Oh I know the Lab..." Adam said before realizing what he said and continued. "Oh uh.... Lab---radore retriever park, n-nice acoustics plus it has dogs." He whispered something but I didn't quite catch it cause I didn't care. "Why don't we practice at our place?" Y/N suggested. "Whoa, hold your horses cowgirl." Leo said before grabbing them and leading them kinda away from the table but I could still hear them without my bionic hearing. "Don't you think it's a bad idea to bring a complete stranger into our very private home?" Leo asked, I pretended to be upset and said "That's okay guys we don't have to jam... Not everyone needs a bright spot in there other wise horrible life." I said making my voice break ever so slightly. "Leo! Now you're making him feel bad!" Y/N said. I used my hand as a 'it's fine' sign. "Come to our place after school ok Marcus?" Y/N said hugging me gently. "Ok. See you then." I said all chipper again and headed to my class. This is going to be too easy.

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