4 | All Of The Stars

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CHAPTER FOUR: All Of The Stars

As the doctor explained to Cilia about her pregnancy, Cilia didn't listen. Her friends stuck up for her saying that she couldn't possibly be pregnant. Cilia was a lesbian and lesbians didn't get pregnant unless they got artificially insemenated or they suddenly turned straight and neither could be said for Cilia.

But her friends didn't know about her night with Gavin. Hell, if they hadn't woke up next to each other, even Cilia wouldn't know about her night with Gavin, but it happened and it was time to tell everyone the truth.

"I am pregnant, guys. One night stand. Alcohol. You get the gist." Cilia explained. She then turned to her doctor.

"How far along am I again?"

"Two and a half weeks, Ms. Malik." Dr. Stone repeated himself. He didn't mind. He understood that learning about pregnancy wasn't exactly something that patients got a hold of easily. It always took some repetition to get the point across.

"Excuse me doctor, but can we have a moment alone?" Mallory interrupted Cilia's questions and Dr. Stone nodded, shutting the door on his way out.

"How the fuck are you pregnant? I was fucking you a few months ago and suddenly you're straight again?" Melany yelled at Cilia. Cilia rolled her eyes.

"As if you care. You have a boyfriend over in England. I lost you for your job and you decided to replace me just like that! So yeah, I got drunk. Wallowed in my self pity, missing you until a guy came up to me and we talked and we had fun and we drank and maybe I don't remember the sex, but inevitably it happened, so just fuck off, Melany!" Cilia lost her temper, yelling at the top of her lungs. It was very much possible that the whole floor heard her, but Cilia really didn't care.

Melany frowned, speaking lightly, "I didn't know you were so hurt."

"We were together for two fucking years. Of course I was hurt. You were the love of my life. The woman I wanted to marry and have children with. You knew how much you hurt me. You just didn't give a damn." Cilia stated, a tear slipping off her cheek. She got up slowly and hid in the bathroom. She didn't want to deal with Melany any longer.

A knock sounded on the bathroom door, "Cilly, Melany left. Can Mal and I come in?"

Cilia croaked, "Yeah."

Michaela opened the door and went to sit down on the bathroom floor. It probably wasn't the most sanitary thing to do, but her big cousin was crying and Cilia needed her right now. Her cousin was more important than her skirt.

"I'm so sorry this happened, Cil. You don't deserve this." Michaela gave her cousin a small smile.

Cilia sniffled, "I don't regret the baby. I just regret ever loving her. Why is being pregnant so bad? The doctors always told me that I wouldn't be able to have kids, but I'm pregnant. It's a miracle and she wants to hurt me like that? She knows how much I've always wanted children."

"I don't know what's going on with her, but I can promise you that this will be the most loved baby on earth." Mallory smiled, putting a hand on Cilia's evergrowing stomach.

"I know. Thank you for being here." Cilia sighed, acknowledging her friends amazingness.

"Who, um, who's the father? Do you know?" Mallory asked, tredding on the subject lightly. She didn't want Cilia to start crying again.

"Do you know Gavin Boyce? It's him." Cilia answered and Mallory's eyes burst out of their sockets.

"Gavin? You know you have to tell him, right? He may be a player, but he deserves to know that he's having a kid." Mallory reasoned. Cilia was lucky that she had someone like Mallory in her life. Otherwise she'd be alone and lost and a pregnant woman shouldn't have any of those symptoms.

"I know. As soon as I get discharged, I'm going to find him." Cilia said. Gavin deserved that he was going to a father and despite the fact that Cilia hated him right now, she couldn't deny him that right.


It was only a few hours later that Cilia was discharged from the hospital. As soon as she signed for prenatal medication and an Obestrician, she was good to go. Her first appointment would be next week. Dr. Stone was first and foremost an OB/GYN and so he was going to be helping Cilia throughout her pregnancy. Next week Cilia would get to hear the baby's heartbeat.

She wasn't breaking her promise to Mallory. She was going to tell Gavin. She just had to find him first.

Cilia walked along the campus. She still had her hospital bracelet on. She didn't go home to cut it off. She went straight to find Gavin. It was Wednesday night, so she hoped that Gavin wasn't at a party of some sort. If he was drunk, it would be a whole hell of a lot harder to explain the situation to him.

"Cilia, right?" Cilia turned around to be faced with the voice of Savanna Boyce. She still looked just as beautiful as the last time Cilia saw her. She honestly had no idea how she and Gavin were related at all.

Savanna was British anyway and Gavin was very obviously American. It made no sense.

"Yeah." Cilia smiled. Cilia was starting to get nauseous again.

"Are you feeling any better today? I know you were looking rough yesterday." Savanna said.

Well no. I'm pregnant with your brother's baby. I'm not exactly feeling it right now, Cilia wanted to say, but Savanna had no right to know about the baby before the father did.

"Sav! There you are. You keep sneaking off without me." Gavin yelled, running back up to his little sister. Savanna really had a problem with staying in place.

"Oh, sorry Gavin. I saw Cilia out here and I wanted to talk to her." Savanna apologized.

"Cilia, nice to see you again." Gavin gave a shy smile. It was almost as if he was scared to talk to her after the last time she told him off.

"Gavin, can I talk to you? Privately?" Cilia nodded her head to the fountain. Gavin scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, but followed her away and left Savanna alone with her curiousity.

"Listen. Remember the party?" Cilia asked.

Gavin scoffed, "Parts of it."

"We had sex."

"You remember now?" Gavin questioned.

"No." Cilia dismissed.

"Then how do you know?"

Cilia sighed deeply, "Because it was the only way that I could be pregnant."

"Hadda-whadda?" Gavin asked. He only said that sentence when he was confused and there was no way that something like this could be taken lightly.

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