5 | Flights

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"I'm pregnant." Cilia reitterated for the dumb brunette in front of her. She held his hand to comfort him as they sat at the fountain.

"Who's the father?" Gavin asked and Cilia immediately ripped her hand from his and glared.

"You, dumbass. I'm fucking gay and as far as I know, you are the only guy I've slept with in the past week and a half. That's how far along I am." Cilia explaining, wanting to smack him for assuming that he wasn't the father.

"Oh. W-what do you want me to do? Like child support, weekends?" Gavin stuttered. He was scared and Cilia had never seen him scared.

"You don't have to be involved at all. If you want to, that's great. I just wanted you to know that there will be a mini Gavin running around by next year." Cilia said. She didn't expect Gavin to be involved. She just wanted him to know.

As Cilia got up from her spot and turned away, Gavin grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"No. I want to be part of this baby's life. It's a little me mixed with a little you. It's guaranteed to be a good looking kid. This is a good thing. I'll get another job. Whatever I have to do, I will. I want this kid to have the type of childhood and reliability that I never got." Gavin smiled, putting his hand on Cilia's stomach.

Savanna in the background noticed the action. At first she thought Cilia and Gavin were in a relationship and a break up was coming, but the only reason you put your hands on a woman's stomach was if they were pregnant.

"I'm going to be an aunt?" Savanna yelled at the couple and Gavin turned to glare at his little sister.

"Yes, Sav. Now shut up. I'm trying to talk to my baby mama." Gavin yelled back.

"I'm sorry about her." Gavin smiled.

"It's okay. I'd be the same if I had any siblings." Cilia smiled back.

She liked this. It was just them and this baby for now. It was going to be them and this baby for eighteen more years and that was scary, yet exciting all at the same time.


Cilia had brought Gavin over to the apartment. They immediately agreed that it'd be best for the baby to live there. A dorm with noisy teenage boys wasn't exactly fit for a newborn.

It had been decided that as soon as Melany left for England, they start setting up the baby's nursery in there and Gavin would live with them for the first few months.

"Guys, I'm home." Cilia's voice traveled through the apartment.

"Listen, babe, I'm sorry if I--" Melany started apologizing, only to stop herself mid-sentence after noticing Gavin's presence. Michaela and Mallory followed right behind Melany.

"So, Gavin, this is Melany, my ex girlfriend. Michaela, my cousin and the cute little thing in the back is my roomate, Mallory." Cilia introduced the people flooding her apartment.

"You, must be the baby daddy." Michaela pushed through Melany and made her way to Gavin. She was the master of flirting and Gavin was quite a pretty guy. Cilia might have done the same thing if she wasn't so gay.

"Mikey, really?" Cilia questioned her cousin. She was the oddest thing, but she was entertaining nonetheless.

"This is Gavin, the father and he'll be staying with us for awhile. Don't worry. You don't have to come up with a sleeping order, Mal. He'll be in my room and once Melany leaves, the guest room will be turned into the nursery." Cilia explained.

"So you have this all figured out, huh? What if I don't want to leave?" Melany argued.

"You're leaving. Even if I have to kick you out myself. This isn't about you or me or us anymore. This is about the baby and Gavin and I. You are not involved, Mel. Just get over it." Cilia tried to reason with her ex, but Melany was becoming a horrible bitch lately.

"I can leave if you have to talk things over. I still have to pack anyway." Gavin turned to face Cilia and suggested it best for him to come back later.

"Sure. Come back after you're finished and we can unpack." Cilia said, smiling. Gavin gave her cheek a peck and walked out without a word. That was best considering the bloodbath that was about to begin.

"I didn't realize my leaving turned you into a whore." Melany said as if it was true. Being pregnant didn't make her a whore.

"I've only slept with one person since you left and that is the father of my child. I don't even remember it and you think you have the right to call me a whore? Look in the mirror, Melany. You're a completely different person and you know it." Cilia argued. She couldn't stand Melany anymore. She was a completely different person.

"I may have changed, but I never once tried to hurt you. You have always hurt me. Time and time again." Cilia teared up, trying to be the utter drama queen everyone knew she was.

"Bullshit. You're the one who moved to London. You're the one who got a boyfriend. You're the one who bragged about it. You're the one who came back. You're the one who tried to make me fall back in love with you. You're the one who yelled at me for being pregnant. You're the one who called my baby a burden. They are not a burden. They are a miracle, so you can kiss my ass if you think that you're the hurt one." Cilia ranted. She was fuming and she wanted Melany out.

"That is just a lie. I would nev--" Melany was cut off by Mallory of all people.

"Melany, get the fuck out of our house. You're not wanted here. Don't even think about coming back. I'll get your stuff to you, but you need to leave. Indefinitely." Mallory stated. She wasn't having it anymore. Melany was the root of all their problems and Mallory didn't plan on reliving it all again.

Michaela pushed Melany out the door and thus their problems were gone. The only problem left was how in the hell were they going to raise this baby?

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