"EveryOne Cry's SomeTime's" Chapter 12

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No One's POV
Kanan and Ezra, were in the Com- Room watching Dumbest Stuff On Wheel's

Then Kanan rubbed, his sons belly, to clam him down.

Ezra sighed and cuddled, closer to his father figure.

"Thanks dad", Ezra said

"No problem kid", Kanan replied

The two boy's continued, watch Dumbest Stuff On Wheel's

Then three hours later, Ezra fell asleep on the couch, right beside his father figure.

Kanan smiled and kissed, Ezra's forehead and rubbed his belly.

The thirteen year old smiled.

Two Hours Later/Hera's POV
Me and Sabine, had just returned from from a supply run.

It was 6:00 pm, that meant it was time for dinner.

Once me and Sabine entered, the hall way, Kanan came out and shooshed us.

That meant Ezra was asleep, and Kanan didn't want us to wake him.

Sabine quietly went back to her room, and probably plopped down on her bed.

I crept to, Ezra's room and found him, sound asleep in his hammock bed.

I smiled and tiptoed over to him, and snuggled up to him.

Then Kanan quietly walked over and, snuggled up with me and Ezra.

"I love two very much", Kanan said to me and Ezra

I looked down and saw Ezra smile, then me and Kanan smiled.

A Few Hour's Later/ Ezra's Dream
Ezra was running two the Ghost as fast, as he could.

But it was to late, the Ghost was burnt down.

"Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Sabine and Chopper, nooooooooo!", Ezra shouted

The poor teen cried, as the Ghost continued to burn down.

"Now I'm all alone", the teen sobbed

End Of Dream/ No One's POV
Ezra woke up screaming bloody murder, and sweat dripping down.

Then Kanan ran in and hugged, his son tightly.

"Shh it's okay Ezra, it's okay", Kanan said

Kanan kissed Ezra's forehead, and rocked the teen back and forth, to calm his son down.

Then Kanan got up and, tried to leave, but Ezra grabbed his arm.

Kanan sighed and, sat down back down and laid down.

"Every one cry's sometimes", Kanan said fall asleep

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