chapter 8

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Ruby lay on her back staring at the ceiling, replaying the scene over and over in her mind. She cursed herself for acting on impulse, she should have known it was a bad idea. The look on her face, the image was burned into her brain. Yang said that she was just surprised and that when she came back she would be forgiven. Ruby didn't believe her. But there was still a glimmer of hope, she pushed it to the back of her mind.


Weiss and Ruby where alone in the room. After asking for a moment alone, and a suggestive​ look from Yang, they could speak in privet. Ruby sat at the table eyes fixed on the floor. Weiss stood, her back facing Ruby with her arms crossed so she couldn't see her crying.

"Why would you do that?" Weiss gently demanded.

"Because I love you" she blurted without a second thought.

"And that. Why are you doing this to me?" Her hurt tone of voice made Ruby feel even worse, "telling me you love me, but not giving me the slightest clue as to when I'll get to see you again."

"Because I need you to know how I feel about you. I've been holding my feelings​ for you in for so long, and I'm done hiding them." Ruby said trying to sound confident.

"You know this is going to make our time apart more painful for both of us right?"

There was a pause, followed by a soft, "Yeah" that trailed off.

Weiss tried her best to be angry, but she couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to yell or shout. Instead she just remained silent, which hurt Ruby more than any yelling or shouting would.

She was silent for the rest of their time together. As they left Yang and Blake seemed more at ease, but Weiss walked away struggling to keep in her tears.

\\\\\\\\\\\\end flashback///////////////

She sighed, and closed her eyes, hoping to maybe get some sleep. After ten minutes of trying and failing to sleep the heavy steel door swung open, Ruby glanced over at it, then dropped her head back onto the pillow.

"Hey Uncle Qrow" she mumbled.

"Hey kiddo" he said sympathetically​.

"Does Ozpin want me?"

"No, I just came to talk to you" he hinted.

"You must know about the whole Weiss thing." It was more a statement than anything else.

"Yeah, I do. That sister of yours​ couldn't keep her mouth shut about it."

"Not surprised" Ruby rolled her eyes, kinda regretting​ telling her what happened.

"I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. Use it to your advantage..."

"How am I supposed to do that?" She asked, unsure of what he meant.

"Give it a little time you figure it out."

"Wow thanks" she muttered sarcastically​, and what if I don't figure it out?"

"You're a smart girl, you'll figure it out." And without​another word Qrow left the room his shoes clicking quietly down the hall.

"I'm an idiot" the ivory haired girl groaned​ from her desk.

"No you're not" Blake's​ calm voice soothed.

"I am Blake, I really am." She said looking up from the dark wood, "I just stayed quiet, I didn't say anything back, I just scolded her then went silent!"

Blake didn't respond, for once, not sure what to say.

"I hope you're fucking happy" a menacing voice came from the doorway​.

"Damnit Yang of course in not. I hate myself for doing what I did." Weiss said in a hollow tone.

"That's not good enough, you know that Ruby loves you with every fiber of her being! No matter how bad you feel Ruby feels twice as bad, 'cuz all she wants to do is make you happy! She'd give her own damn life if it would make you happy and this is how you treat her!" Yang all but screamed​ at Weiss, her eyes a deep red.

"Don't you think I know that? I've spent almost a decade thinking I'd never get to see her again, thinking I'd die without telling her how I felt." Weiss stopped herself before she said anymore​.

Yang shot her one last glare before turning on her heels and storming out of the office, Blake chased after worried about what she may do.

Weiss gently picked up the framed picture of her and her partner and studied it, before setting it back down, begrudgingly going back to work.

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