chapter 5

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The slowly wilting petal stared back. Taunting her. As if to say, "haha have fun. you're not gonna find her"

It had been three days and they still hadn't found anything new. They had even walked around flashing pictures​ of Ruby, asking people if they had seen her. To no avail. She was starting to give up the hope that she had just found.

"Hey, you want to talk about it?" Blake's voice came from the doorway.

The only response was a sigh and a nod. The faunus walked over and sat down waiting​ for her to speak first.

"I don't get it," Weiss mumbled sadly "why did she leave?"

"I'm sure she had her reasons"

"I know, but couldn't she have let us know what they were. Hell a note would have been better than her disappearing." She sounded angry but it was just to hide the fact that she was on the verge of tears, "did she not realize how much it hurt to walk in and find her gone without a trace? Without any warning or explanation?"

"You know of all people I expected you to be the least concerned about this." Blake stated bluntly​.

"Why would you say that?" She asked pain lacing her voice.

"Well you were always so cold to her, no matter how kind she was. You had a tendency to push her away." It hurt Blake to be so mean but she needed to get Weiss to finally admit she still had feelings.

A long silence followed, "do you think I'm the reason she left?" Weiss asked voice breaking slightly.

Blake was taken aback by the notion, "why would you ever think that?"

"Did you not just hear yourself, I was so cold to her."

"Yeah but not enough for her to up and leave."

Weiss gave a defeated sigh, "I still have feelings​ for her you know" Blake gave a nod. "It hurt so much when she left. I don't think I ever I cried so hard until that day.

"I know now that that's the reason I was so terrible because I was scared of my feelings​ towards Ruby. Given that I was told my whole life that a Schnee must be perfect. And gays aren't perfect. So Schnee's aren't gay." A bitter laugh escaped​ her lips, "and now she may never know that I love her."

"Don't give up hope just yet Weiss. We may find her." Blake was trying to be optimistic.

"You know we aren't going to find her." Blake was about to deny the accusation but Weiss spoke again, "face it Ruby doesn't want to be found, so she won't be found"


They exited the large metal airship, stepping out into the extensive courtyard. Several odd looks we're earned, but we're easily ignored​. They had one goal in mind. Upon entering the building memories flooded. They rode the elevator up to the top of the tower. The doors slid open and they stepped out into the office. Immediately greeted by the grey haired professor.

"It's nice to see you again Ms. Rose." Ozpin said with a small smile.

"You too professor." Ruby greeted back.

"So Oz where are the others?" Qrow asked skipping the formalities

"Others?" Ruby gave a quizzical look.

As if on cue the elevator dinged and out strode general Ironwood, Glenda Goodwitch, and a tall woman with her platinum hair pulled into a tight bun.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again Ms. Rose." She said in a formal tone.

Mysterious Ms. RoseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora