chapter 1

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Weiss stood in the elevator waiting for the sleek white and blue doors to open. It was nearly two in the morning and she had finally managed to get the bulk of her work done. There was a small ding and the smooth metal barrier slid open and Weiss stepped out walking with purpose out of the elegant glass doors. The sidewalk seemed to go on forever as she made her way to the parking garage.

"What the hell?" She mumbled to herself bending over to grab the small object that stood out against the pale concrete, "It can't be"

She held the petal gently and inspected it. Cradling it in the palm of her hand she felt her chest tighten as a lump formed in her throat. She looked out into the shadows that engulfed​ the buildings on either side of the road. She mustered​ all of the courage she could and let out one strained​ call "Ruby?" There was no answer. She hadn't expected one, but she was still a bit disappointed.

Holding ​the rose petal close she made her way to the car. Her body on autopilot as her thoughts wandered to her missing leader. Part of her didn't want it to be her, but another part desperately​ hoped that it was. The whole drive home was a blur and despite her being exhausted Weiss barely got any sleep. Whenever she closed her eyes all she could see was Ruby's smiling face the day she disappeared.


Ruby watched Weiss as she left the building. She watched her walk down the street. Leaning forward to see what Weiss picked up off the ground.         

"Oh shit," she whispered to no one. It was one of her rose petals​.

"Ruby?" Hearing Weiss's weak voice broke Ruby's​ heart into a million pieces.

She was tempted to show herself. To step out of the shadows and apologize for leaving. But she didn't. She stayed where she was until Weiss's spotless white car drove past. With a defeated sigh Ruby started making her way back to her shelter. She used to call it a home but she doesn't now. It wasn't a home, merely a place to lay her head and eat her meals. The only thing that could make it a home was her team. And she couldn't have them if she wanted to keep them safe.
I hope that wasn't too terrible I didn't have a ton of time to write this. So yeah. I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to reading more. Anyway​ I'll​ stop by talking now😊 bye

Mysterious Ms. RoseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang