"Heya Fordsie! It's party time!" Bill said dropping him. Ford yelled out but landed in a bounce house that appeared underneath him catching him safely.

"CIPHER I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" Ford yelled up at the demon. Bill just snickered. Stella screeched and ran towards the bounce house jumping inside it. Mabel sighed and walked over smiling ever so slightly. With another snap of Bills fingers, a picnic table appeared with plates and utensils, tables with food and desserts, and a giant piñata in the shape of Alcors symbol appeared.

"So anyone hungry?" Bill asked gesturing to the food. Ford picked up a plate and grabbed a burger with cheese, salad, and an apple. Alcor got a steak and mashed potatoes, Tyrone also got a steak but nothing else, Stella got waffles and pancakes with strawberries and syrup, and Mabel got lamb with corn.

"I wonder..." Bill asked aloud.

"What's up dad?" Alcor asked looking up from his food.

"Just wondering when-"

"We're here! Sorry we're late!" Gideon yelled running into the clearing with Pacifica trailing close behind.

"Took you guys long enough!" Bill said smiling.

"Hey guys!" Alcor said standing up to greet Gideon and Pacifica.

"Happy birthday!" they both said handing Alcor a gift.

"Guys you shouldn't have!"

"Well we wanted to. Here open mine first!" Pacifica said handing her box to Alcor. He took the box and crossed his legs in the air. He ripped the box open and removed the cover. Inside were custom designed shoes with a yellow triangle on the front, dark green pinetrees on the side and and blue triangle on the back. Bye the pinetree symbol was the Big Dipper constellation.

"Pacifica these are amazing I love them! Thank you so much!" Alcor said hugging her.

"I'm glad you like them!" Pacifica said hugging back.

"My turn now!" Gideon said handing Alcor his box. It was smaller than Pacificas but nonetheless, Alcor was still excited to open it. He ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was a diamond with yellow on one side, blue on the other and where they met, a vibrant green.

"Wait Gideon is this a real diamond?!" Alcor asked astonished. Gideon nodded his head. "What-How?!" Alcor asked in shock.

"Well I was trying out a spell from the journal to use for a gift for you and it backfired, but in a good way! This was the outcome though I don't know how I messed up so I can't do it again. But I thought you'd like it!" Gideon said happily.

"Gideon are you sure?" Alcor asked.

"Of course! Your one of my best friends!" Gideon said smiling. Alcor smiled back and hugged him.

"Thank you." he said. He stood up and admired the diamond in the light. "Quick question, what's with the blue yellow and green themes?" Alcor asked curiously.

"We may or may not have one more surprise for you Pinetree." Bill said standing next to his son with Will. "Come with me. We're gonna take a walk." Bill said guiding a Alcor into the forest with Will by his side.

"Wonder what Dips last surprise is." Stella said. Mabel shrugged while Gideon and Pacifica helped themselves to some food.

"We'll find out when Dipper returns." Ford said. Tyrone already knew what the surprise was so he couldn't wait to here Alcors reaction. Gideon and Pacifica were in on it with their gifts. They were silent clues about Alcors mother.

The Forest with Bill, Will, and Alcor
"So dad, why are we out in the forest?" Alcor asked looking up at the trees.

"Remember our conversation from a couple days ago?" Bill asked.

"Yeah, the one about my mother." Alcor said. He heard Bill chuckle slightly beside him.

"I have a story to tell you." Bill said. Alcor nodded his head. "Before I met your mother, it was just Gab and myself. After the...events that occurred, my sanity was on a very fine line. I had to stay calm and keep my grip on reality. I needed an anchor, but I didn't have one at the time. So one day, my powers were on the fritz again and I accidentally opened a portal to Reverse Falls. I crashed into the forest and just laid on the ground waiting for my powers to calm down. Then your mother appeared. She was a demon like me and in her human form. She looked drained yet still came to my aid. She asked if I was alright while on the verge of passing out herself. I asked her if she was ok, when clearly she wasn't. I sat up and gave her a boost of magic. At that moment, my power fritz stopped and I felt, well, normal. We both found something in each other that day and got to know each other better. She was such a worry wart, always crying over the smallest mishaps, but I still love her. She kept me sane and in check. I'd come visit every now and then to see how she was doing. The people she worked with almost always drained her of her powers and I couldn't really do much to stop it, but after a little, persuasion, they agreed to take it easy. I proposed one day to her and she accepted. We were married and she was pregnant with our first child. You. So during the pregnancy I took care of her and thankfully the people she worked for didn't bother us. But one of the many demon cults that exist in the world sought to steal your mother from me so that when she had you, they could use your powers for their desires. So to keep you safe, I removed you from your mothers womb and into a special incubation chamber specially designed for you. I fled Reverse Falls with you back into the Nightmare Realm. Your mother knew it was for the best. Then you were born and Ford took you and the rest is history."
Bill finished. He sighed.

"And...is...is mother still...alive?" Alcor asked nervously.

"Alive and well. And very proud to see the young man her son turned out to be." Bill said with a chuckle. Alcor thought about his fathers words.

'She lives here in Reverse Falls, works with people, worried, cries a lot...it-it can't be...' Alcor thought. "Dad, I can only place one person with how you described mother...but....how?" Alcor asked astonished.

"You forget Alcor. D-Demons don't have genders. And don't f-forget, Bill likes to twist t-things to his liking." Will said with a soft smile.

"Will? Y-your my, my mom?" Alcor asked in shock. Will nodded his head. Alcor stood in shock for a moment before hugging Will tightly. "I-I never would have guessed it." Alcor said with a slight laugh.

"Well with the way your father told the story, me being f-female, it is quite confusing." Will chuckled.

"To think this whole time, my mother's been so close by...I love you mom." Alcor said softly. Will smiled and hugged Alcor back tighter. Bill joined the hug, holding his family close.

'Finally whole again.' he thought happily.

"Guess that explains the yellow, blue and green themes." Alcor laughed. "Wait, did Gideon and Pacifica know?" Alcor asked looking up at his parents.

"Yeah, they didn't know what to give you so I told them to send a silent clue with your gifts. The blue triangles on the sneakers was one and the mixed colored diamond was the other. The spell I gave Gideon was supposed to make three crystal chunks with our colors but he must have pronounced a word wrong and came up with the diamond which is quite an impressive mistake." Bill said. Alcor laughed at this. Bill held him and Will closer.

'I'll never let anything happen to either of you for as long as I live.' Bill thought.

AAAAANNNND THATS A WRAP!!! Well, some crazy things are gonna happen in the next chapter or two. SO HOLD ON TO YOUR SOULS! Hope you guys enjoyed!


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