Chapter twenty-six

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WON'T HELP!?!?" Spitfire roared furiously.

"We can't endanger our tribes anymore, and we can't defeat Daniel and Nightmare's army. We've lost, it's best if we went back to our tribe lands and forget any of this ever happened" Margaret explained, other dragon leaders agreeing.

"Their giving up" Leo stated sadly.

"Their afraid Leo" Sky responded softly.

"They've killed dragons of your tribes, they damaged your capital, and took your royalty prisoner. AND YOU WANT TO RUN AND HIDE LIKE MICE!?!?" Stardust roared, silencing everyone.

"You'll abandon your king? The one that gave everything for your tribes and wanted nothing in return? Firestar made Draconus sound so amazing and wonderful. And it is. I've never seen anywhere so beautiful with my own eyes. But now they want to take it away from You!" Christina cried.

"Together, nothing can stop us. Your dragons, you lead entire tribes! That's more than Daniel and Nightmare have. And even if you retreat back to your tribes, you won't be safe. They will hunt you all down like prey, and you'll of lost. We have a chance to win together, and if we loose, we'll go down fighting for our freedom and each other!" Stardust exclaimed.

"With all due respect, Stardust, their high chance we'll loose. It's best if we retreat" Spaceblast stated.

"So you'd abandon your own kind to be enslaved? What about the humans?!" Whirlpool snapped.

"WHAT ABOUT THE HUMANS??!!" Orca roared.


"Why should we care? Humans never cared for dragons, and our tribes need us now" Windhopper stated.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves! How dare you call yourselves dragons!?" Lilly snapped.

"And your wrong. Humans do care. Your just cowards! We aren't even Draconus dragons, we were hatched and raised on earth, by humans!" Sky added angrily.

"This isn't our fight" Fang stated.

"Not your right?" Every head snapped in Christina's direction as she looked sternly at the dragon leaders. "It is your fight! Draconus is your home, is it not? This is everyone's fight, all of earth and draconus! Draconus isn't my home, but I will fight for it. It's your home. Your people. Your land! And you'll just lay belly up and say 'here, take it'!? I grew up hearing story about how powerful, noble, and amazing dragons were, but I'm starting to believe only six dragons are real ones. How dare you even say your leaders, when you'll let your tribes die cause your to scared to fight! It's sad. Seeing the once most feared and respected creatures alive, weaker and more timid than mice"

"It is true, but that was harsh" stardust stated.

"Yep" Christina sighed mentally.

"If you won't fight, we will" Mark stated as Storm growled.

"We will fight, even if it kills us, because we know this is why Firestar brought us here and why we bonded to each other. They'll come for you. So watch your backs" Storm growled.


"Let's go riders" Christina ordered. Stardust launched into the air with a roar and the other riders followed.

"For earth!"

"And for draconus!"

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