«I was thirsty.» I half-lied. Come on, it's not exactly a lie, it's part of a truth I want to avoid telling on the whole. That's called semi-honesty, not lying.

Whatever the case, Jon didn't seem to buy it. It was dark, but I was sure he was raising an eyebrow at me. I could feel his disbelief in the air.

He turned the light on (there was a switch next to Jessie's old bed), confirming my suspicions.

«Why are you sweaty?» he asked. «Wait... It's not nightmares again, is it?» he frowned.

«What? No...» I lied. See? I know when I'm lying. I know when to admit it.

«You're the most terrible liar I've ever met.» Jon commented.

«I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were you...» I rolled my eyes.

«You need to talk to someone about this. I'm talking about me, just tell Claire or Felicia or someone. This isn't healthy.»

«Look, I get that you're concerned right now, but there's more important stuff to be worried about. Like that psycho in Imyrth threatening to attack all surrounding countries, or the fact that there's war coming. My nightmares should be the least of your problems, everyone gets them. It's something normal that can't cause the destruction of an entire country.»

«Yeah, maybe I care more about my friends than the fate of the country. I've already lost one of them.»

«That's just stupid and you know it.» I told him. He looked a little hurt.

«I don't care.» he shrugged.

The door burst open and a really sleepy Felicia appeared at the doorframe.

«Could you two stop arguing like an old married couple at five in the morning? Some of us are actually trying to sleep.» she grumbled. I grew red and Jon's eye started twitching.

«Sorry, Ellie...» I muttered.

«Don't call me that. And I'm too sleepy to go back downstairs again, so scoot over.» she told me.

«Aye, aye, captain...» I rolled my eyes as I did what she said. Felicia glared at me. Jon burst out laughing.

«Do you know if Ben and Claire came back?» I asked her.

«I think so... I heard the front door at some point, but didn't really look... Well, actually, I heard it twice. I didn't pay attention both times.» She muttered. I facepalmed.

«I'm gonna go check...» I said and stood up.

«No offence, but I think I'll go instead. Whenever you go check on someone lately, you usually find them dead.» Jon interrupted.

«I am offended.» I remarked.

«I don't care.» he replied.

«Shut up, both of you. I'm trying to sleep.» Ellie groaned.

«Yeah, that's not happening. Get up. We're all going.» I jokingly glared at Jon. Felicia seriously glared at me, but got up anyway.

We tiptoed (hilariously, I may add) to the room Ben and my sister shared. I kept imagining that the theme song from "The Pink Panther" playing in the background, which made things even more hilarious.

We opened the door only a little, just enough to sneak a peek. They were fast asleep. We stepped away from the door before anything stupid happened, like us falling down in the room and waking them.

After that we couldn't fall asleep again, so we went downstairs to the living room and turned the lights on.

I stifled a scream, as I saw someone all dressed in white, wearing a hood and a full-face mask, like the person we saw killing Jessie in the video. They were covered in red stains, I assumed were blood.

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