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I woke up at the hospital the next morning. Ben had gone to work, and Claire had driven the others home. Jon had insisted on staying.

«What happened?» I yawned.

«You don't remember? You got stabbed.» he said in a "duh" tone.

«Yeah, I know that. I was the one that got stabbed, the pain is kinda hard to forget about. I'm talking about after I passed out. Stupid monkey...» I replied.

«How can you be so rude all the time?» he asked, exasperated.

«I think it must be in my DNA or something... It could also be because 90% if the time I'm surrounded by idiots and I have the need to be brutally honest with them.» I replied.

«I'm so done with you...» he muttered, shaking his head.

«You've been saying that for years, yet here you are.» I smirked.

«Well, I'm sorry I can't abandon the first friend I ever made.» he laughed.

«So... Are you gonna tell me what happened? Why couldn't Kyle fall asleep?» I asked him.

«Michael was coming back home and his plane arrived at six. Kyle was going to the airport to pick him up because his parents were too bored.» he shrugged. «He happened to be walking by when he heard all the shouting.»

«Talk about luck... I don't think I had these two. You and Ellie would have died.» I shook my head.

«Don't be like that. Maybe if you had a little faith in yourself--»

«Let me stop you right there and conveniently change the subject to something really important; did anyone see my tattoo?»

«I made sure they didn't.»

«Then I owe you one.»

A doctor came in the room, they ran some tests or something and then I stayed in the hospital for about three days. It wasn't a really deep stab, it looked worse than it actually was. It healed pretty fast; faster than it normally would have.

The next day was Jessie's funeral, but there was a setback. A huge one.

Everything was planned, but we were informed that the funeral couldn't take place because there was no body to bury. Jessie's body had disappeared. It was nowhere to be found.

It had been missing for a week, but the cops and the doctors had decided against informing us until the last minute. They hoped they would have found it until the funeral, but they were wrong and ridiculed.

How do you even lose a dead body? Seriously!

The day after that we went back to school. Claire and the others tried to persuade me against going, but I didn't care what they said and went anyway. With a, both literally and figuratively, bloody bandage wrapped around my stomach.

If I ever found who that villain was, I would make sure they went to hell and stayed there for the rest of their miserable afterlife. Same went for the traitor.

Claire and Ben found a lawyer and had a talk with him. I don't really understand that law stuff, so I just told them to take care of it however they saw fit.

At school, everyone looked at Chris and I weirdly; as if we had killed someone, which was pretty much the case for them. They mostly glared at Chris, because what had happened at my home a few days ago had gone all over the news.

Jasmine called in sick the second day and didn't come.

That's when Kyle and Jon pulled us all aside.

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