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I don't know you anymore

You are not the one I knew once
Or so I thought..

Where have you gone?

Why did you even come?

I wasn't doing that fine
But was managing

Why did you leave showing me dreams?

Why couldn't you stay?

You knew I was the happiest with you

You knew I cared so much

You knew I loved so much

You healed me just to hurt me more

You fixed my broken heart just to break it more

You told me you wouldn't be able to live if something happens to me

But you didn't care when that happened almost

You told me you can't bear if someone hurts me

But you hurt me the most

You promised to love forever

But maybe your forever consists of three months

I trusted you the most

But you betrayed me

You came to my life in my lowest days

You taught me to love again

You were the light in my darkness

You became the centre of my world

You became my happiness

And then how could you leave just like that??

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