The Stages of Love

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I Hate You Mom. Copyright ©️June 2017. All Rights Reserved.

     She was just five months old, her big eyes stared at her mother's, and she couldn't help but smile at the recognizable face that had been with her since she was born. That human being that changed her diapers and played with her at two in the morning when she couldn't fall asleep, that voice that hummed lullabies to her to help her sleep.

     Three years later, she had a best friend that no one could ever have, it was her one and only mother. They did everything together; they watched Disney movies all day, they did each other's hairs, and they sang popular songs all night.  They also went to the supermarket together; it would usually end with her buying everything she sees, causing her mom to pay for the expensive bill.

     Then she turned four years old, that was when she started going to kindergarten. On her first day, she cried because she was going to be separated from her mother, she was going to be separated from her best friend. Her mom stayed with her in class; for the first day, she stayed for half an hour, the next day for twenty-five, and the minutes were decreasing each day. That was until one day, the girl stepped foot in class all on her own and happily waved goodbye to her mother.

     Two years after that, she was six years old. She was in the principal's office, sitting on the chair, and looking down while crying. She just got in a fight with a bunch of little girls in her class and her mom was really disappointed once she found out. But the girl didn't tell anyone that the fight was caused because the girls were making fun of her mother. She was just defending her best friend.

     The following two years, she became eight years old, and she got mad at her mom. She came to school everyday, ignoring her mother, because of those little girls that bullied her. The ones that used to bully her mom then bullied her. The girl seemed to blame her mother because of all of the mean words that she kept on hearing at school. 

     After four years, she was a pre-teenager, she started getting annoyed by her own mother. She shut her mother out and never really listened to her. She usually hung out with her friends a lot, leaving her mother alone in the house, worrying about her daughter's safety. The girl never understood why her mother would be so overprotective of her, she was almost a teenager, she could take care of herself. 

     Years later, she turned sixteen. She could finally get her drivers-license, which meant that she would mostly be out of the house, leaving her mom to stay up all night and wait for her. She would be mad at her mother and lock herself in her room all day. Her mom would go up to her and hug her, asking her for forgiveness even though she didn't do anything to her daughter, just to have some company with her.

     After four years, she was twenty, she was finally getting married and moving to another house, far from her mother's. She would visit her mom a few times a month, when she had time she went to her mother 's house. But it got harder once she had a baby, that baby was who she should be taking care of, and she considered her baby as her best friend.

     At thirty years old, she would bring her daughter with her to her mother's house, and they would talk about how their lives were going. Her mother and her were the closest they had ever been, and she always visited her mom when she had the time. Her mother would give the girl's daughter motherly advice about school and strangers. 

     At fifty years old, she would kiss her mom's head everyday, reminding her that she's loved her and always appreciated her. She knew that her mother's time would soon come and she wanted to spend as much time with her. She would tuck her tired mother to bed and sing to her lullabies to help her fall asleep. She slept with her mother every night, they watched Disney movies, and sung popular songs; just like the old times.

     At seventy, she wiped a tear from her face as she saw her mother being dug into the grave. She stared at her mother's lifeless body, motionless, and breathless. She wished that she could repeat her life over again and spend more time with her mom one last time. She wanted to tell her mom how much she loved her and how much she cared. She had just lost her best friend.

     'I miss you, mom.'


The End.


                        A/N: I hope you enjoyed this short story. Thank you for reading, I tried my best to make it look real and how a person experiences life, so yeah! 

                     Stay tuned for more chapters to be published in my other books, I still have a few more books to update from so see you there, hopefully!


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