Chapter 8

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Ash's POV

You weren't seducing her.

These words kept ringing in my head for the whole night and even now, while I ate breakfast. Just an hour ago, Calem- my best 'male' friend arrived at my house and asked to stay for a month until his house was being constructed. I gladly accepted to let him share my room. 

"So Ash, how is life?" He asked as he placed his bag on the floor.

"Just boring and tensed, you know how much homework we get," I told Calem in a sarcastic way.

He chuckled a little and then asked a question that took me off guard.

"How is Serena?" 

'Why is he wondering about her?' I asked myself but received another question from Calem.

"Is she still a...boy?" 

I widened my eyes at this one. 

Me, Sere and Calem, not to forget Marina studied together in middle school. Calem had this crush on one of the sisters but I clearly saw no difference in them and always thought that he liked Marina because- who would like a tomboy? But today by his question I realized that he liked Sere since middle school. Calem and Marina transferred around the same time in middle school leaving me to think that now Calem surely liked Marina because he never confessed to Sere. So I led a happy life thinking there was no big competition for Sere because- who would like a tomboy?

I was interrupted by a hand waving in front of my face.

"Serena is single and still a boy," I blurted out, "but why do you care?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

"I love her," he said in a dreamy voice and he just zoned out after that. 

He kept on blabbering how beautiful she was and her attitude and ego just touched his heart and stuff. I quietly crept out of the room and went downstairs to have breakfast since we had school that day and Calem got admission in it too.

My thoughts were interrupted again by Calem who seemed to be all set to head to school. I too grabbed my back pack and headed out with Calem. 

"We have to stop by Serena's because we usually walk to school together," I told Calem.

He froze for a second and then ran off into the direction of the school. I found this kinda weird but shrugged it off.


"5 minutes, Marina is getting ready" Serena told me as she opened her door.

"All set Sere- oh Ash!" Marina tackled me into a hug and soon released only to cling to my left arm. Serena smirked at this and closed the door and we all started heading towards school. I forgot all about Calem since I had 'more important' things to think about and that was- my so-called future fiance was snuggling my arm as we walked.

This would be a long day.


Our trio arrived and finally Marina let go of me. But my happiness didn't last long when Marina dragged me all the way to our lockers and Sere slowly trudged behind us. 

When we reached the locker, we saw a big crowd of girls standing, giggling, some were fainting and a male voice echoed from the center.


I sighed. Calem was one of the guy who could make every girl fall for her. But Sere and Marina never liked him that way. I was happy to know that Serena didn't like him. But I never imagined that Marina would chose me over him. That meant that I wasn't so unpopular either. I looked at Marina who seemed happy to see Calem again. But the look on Sere's face shocked me.

Serena's eyes were sparkling and she had a blush on her face. She had her cute adorable smile plastered on her remarkably shining and bright face. Even her short honey-blond hair seemed to be jumping with delight.

I followed her gaze and it landed straight on Calem.

My jaws dropped. I saw Calem make his way through the crowd and he approached Sere.

"Long time," Calem said as he smirked. 

His smirk didn't look friendly to me. I waited for Sere's ice-cold reply that would shut his mouth but instead heard as very soft, angelic voice escape her mouth.

"Long time indeed, Calem."

She spoke Calem's name in such a way that it seemed like she was chanting God's name.

I feared worse.

She liked him.


"Calem looked so handsome and cute and sweet and muscular...argh! I want to see him again," Serena pouted as she continued chanting 'Calem' under her breath. I looked at her suspiciously. 

"Why are you looking at me like that," she said, her words came out ice-cold.

"Describe Calem."

Instantly her face started shining again and a soft blush appeared on her cheeks.

"He is so..."

Blah, blah, blah! She continued describing various features of him and kept praising him. I quietly ate my food while paying attention to her way of speaking. She indeed had fallen for him. I occasionally nodded making sure that she wouldn't notice me not listening to her but instead living in my own world.

Marina and Calem were not with us. Marina was with some of her friends and Calem was- I did not know where he was.

"Hey Serena."

Serena turned around to see Calem standing right behind her. 

Here comes the devil.

Sere immediately shot up from her chair and turned to face Calem, with a blush.

I suddenly felt this weird feeling of punching Calem right in his stomach, although I didn't know why. 

"H-Hey C-C-Cal-" she stuttered.

"Its Calem," he said, innocently, "never thought you would forget my name"

"I didn't forget your name, it has been so long since we met and I just got nervous," she said.

"Hi there Calem," said Marina as she approached us too. 

"Hey Marina, still the same aren't we," he said and sat down beside me. "Well we have aged quite a lot since we met last time so what is everybody's love interest status?" 

"I am happy alone, I think my only love interest is food, food and myself," I said grumpily. 

Calem raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, someone still hasn't matured," he joked leading to girls to laugh.

"Love interest is formed when you fall in love," I looked at Sere who shifted in her seat looking nervous, "and I am not in love with anyone." This time Serena did not nothing but stare me straight into the eye. We locked gazes for a few seconds until another thought appeared in my head, "and Calem, instead of helping me I would suggest to help yourself." At this even Calem shivered.

"Don't be so cold Ash," Calem said, "I am sure you will find your love soon," and he flashed me his stupid smile.

"Aww Calem! Don't say this to my brother-in-law, he already has got his love."

My head shot up to see Serena smirking evilly. Suddenly, something or someone tugged at my arm.

"Stop this all of you," Marina said shyly and a blush reached her cheeks turning the rosy-pink. 

I smiled weakly. This is going to be a long day indeed.

𝘏𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦- 𝘈𝘯 𝘈𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘈𝘜Where stories live. Discover now