It had seemed like good idea when she looked up his address in the list she had received from school, but now she wasn't so certain anymore. As she walked up to the dark green front door, she almost turned around three times. Still, there was a little nagging voice inside her head that told her to keep going. That tiny voice was one filled with frustration and annoyance, telling her that you can't just kiss people and then disappear again. It was simply against the unspoken kisser-kissee agreement. The same agreement that made Molly believe that this 'thing' with Sherlock was an actual 'thing'.

So, with their chemistry report in her backpack and loudly beating heart in her chest, Molly rang the tiny white doorbell. Triiiiiiing. Before she could change her mind and try to run off again, a 40-something woman swung open the door.  

"Good afternoon, dear." She greeted Molly with a warm smile. Although her manner was friendly all around, Molly still felt slightly intimidated. She was the kind of woman who had a presence that was bigger than her body.  

"Hello. Ms. Holmes, is it? I'm Molly. I'm here for Sherlock. I got this report we did together and I need to give it to him, but he wasn't at school, so I thought I would come by." Molly felt relieved upon hearing her own voice, as her half-truth rolled out of her mouth quite smoothly. Maybe confident Molly hadn't completely left her.  

"Molly! Please come in, dear. How very nice too meet you. Though you can call me Violet." Sherlock's mother told Molly overexcitedly as she ushered her inside the house.

"Here, let me take your coat. Sherlock is upstairs, it's the first door to the right." Molly got the strange feeling that Ms. Holmes - Violet - somehow believed she was a wonder of the World and a helpless puppy at the same time.  

"SHERLOCK! YOU GOT COMPANY!" Ms. Holmes told her son in a less friendly voice, as Molly started to climb the stairs.  

Sherlock's door swung open before Molly could try for the door handle. A head covered in black curls peeking out. He wore an agitated expression, as if he was about to shout a rude retort to his mother. Upon realizing Molly was standing in front of his door, his eyes grew wide. For a split-second he seemed taken aback, before recovering his usual cool demeanor.

"Molly. Didn't expect you," he told her in his business-as-usual-voice, while he opened up his door to let her into his room.  

"Hi, Sherlock." Molly told him in an upbeat voice, trying not to show her nervousness. When you kiss someone passionately things shouldn't be this awkward with them, right? Or maybe they were because of that kiss...  

As they both stepped inside, Molly was momentarily shocked. His room was a battlefield of domestic debris. The furniture - or the floor for that matter - was barely recognizable because every spot was completely covered with some kind of clutter. From crumbled note paper to slowly rotting socks nothing was save, except for a neatly polished violin that lay on his desk.

While maneuvering across the mayhem that was Sherlock's floor, Molly continued; "Mr. Abott graded our report. We got an A+. He asked if I could give it you, since you weren't at school..."

"Did he also ask you if you could ask me to stop skipping his class?" He interrupted her, one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. How did you..."

"That man has been on my back since I started school. He secretly thinks I'm his long-lost son. He thinks I'm just like him; Brilliant, slightly obsessed with Chemistry, underdeveloped social skills, unable to make a good first impression..... Wait. Maybe he sort of has a point." Sherlock finished with the corners of his mouth twitching.

Molly's mouth fell open. "Sherlock, did you just....."

"Shhh. Don't let them know. They might find out I don't just use my wit to insult others," he told her with mock concern. This made Molly burst out into a nervous fit of giggles. Still smiling widely Sherlock sat down on his bed and pulled her down with him. Seeing him like this was bizarre, but she say couldn't she didn't like it.  

Deerstalker - a Sherlolly storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora