Chapter 1: A Lucky Find

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A Lucky Find

Somewhere, in the downtown area of Granada City, a delivery truck screeches around a corner, the wheels sparking as the brakes engage. The driver screams as the vehicle smashes into a concrete barrier, but is slammed back into the seat as the truck jumps the railing and plummets three stories, smashing into the ground in a massive fireball. The rear compartment bursts open and a large, forest green object flies out and into a gutter, sliding down the side of the street on a slow-moving stream of water. Police sirens and flashing lights blanket the scene, but the sole object in the truck could not be found. The driver had been killed upon impact, but regardless of his fate, the package en route to the labs had been lost, and there was no telling what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands. Only when and if the weapon was found could the city rest easy once again.

Meanwhile, several blocks to the south, a young male Oru by the name of Blake was sitting at a café, his wolf-like features partly hidden by his cup as he drank a cup of coffee. His black fur covered every inch of his body, right down to his fingertips. His ears popped out of his head at an angle with small tufts of fur at the tips, a ponytail running down the middle of his back and tied at the end with a band of black cloth. His red eyes had a glazed appearance to them, and his plumed tail sagged behind him as his finger drummed absentmindedly on the tabletop.

"Man I have got to stop thinking about these stupid dreams." I said under my breath, "Some hero I'd be if I tried to do anything, all I'd get for my troubles would be a one-way trip to the hospital." I set down my coffee and placed some cash on the table next to the cup, standing up and walking out of the building with my hands in my pockets. "Maybe I should talk to a counselor, about these dreams. Nah, all he'd do is put me on some pill and tell me to think positive." I kicked a can out of my way and watched it skitter down the sidewalk, "Maybe I'm just going crazy."

Suddenly, sirens blared behind me and I turned to see at least six cop cars speeding past, their tires burning rubber as they rocketed past me. I watched them go with a raised eyebrow, but scoffed as they disappeared from view, "Not my problem." I took one step off of the curb and tripped on something large and heavy. I yelped in surprise as I fell face first into a puddle of mud, my entire front getting soaked in the process. I looked back to see what had snagged my foot, but all that was sitting at my feet was a dark green suitcase, or at least that was what it looked like. I pushed myself to my feet and wiped the mud out of my eyes, leaning down to pick up the container by the handle protruding from the side. I lifted it up with a grunt as I found out how heavy it was, turning it over in my hands to see the entire thing looked to be made of some kind of metal, the seams folding together to make a nearly perfect seal around the entire edge of the different pieces. I shrugged and hefted it over my shoulder, walking back towards my house and away from the flashing lights and sirens. I didn't k now what I had just found, but something told me it was going to be cool finding out.

I shut the door to my house with a small click, hoping I hadn't woken my sister or mom. I had just stepped onto the first stair in the hall, when the lights flicked on and I turned to see mom sitting in the lounge chair.

"Would you mind telling me where you've been at this late hour?" She asked as she stood up, her brown fur matted on one side of her head like she had just gotten out of bed. Her green eyes were absolutely furious as she bore her gaze into mine, "Do you have any idea how late it is? I've been worried sick about you. You constantly disappear and don't tell me when you will be back or where you are going." She huffed and pointed up the stairs, "You are grounded until further notice Blake, and don't even think about running off. I will make sure you regret it if you do."

I scowled and stomped up the stairs, my face red with embarrassment as I spied my sister's white face and blue eyes peeking out from behind her door. I growled at her and she quickly closed the latch as I walked past her room and into my own. I tossed the briefcase or whatever it was on the bed, sitting down with a sigh as I rubbed my face.

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