Chapter 11- the reason to smile.

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November 20th
6 pm
Levi' s 9G condo

Kari's POV

The click open as I finish in the kitchen preparing dinner for me and Levi.

"I'm home." Levi walk in , his tie is on either side of this neck and few buttons on his shirt is undone with a small smile as he dropped his bag by the couch.

"Welcome home. Want a drink?" I asked as I pop a cold beer open and placed it on the counter. He walks up and parked his butt on the stool facing me before taking a long swig of beer.

"Long day?" I wiped my hands on the kitchen towel before returning to the stew I'm making for tonight.

"Why can't people just get along? People will always screw each other up and I have to fix the mess they left." He put the beer down, shaking his head before stopping and taking in a deep breath and sighing. "Damn, that smells so good" Levi starts to blush when he and I could his stomach grumble.

"Seriously Ackerman, I've made this for you before. You're just probably hungry. Go wash up and when you come put, dinner would be ready. " I smile at him as I clean around the kitchen. Levi shrugs and head to his room to wash up.

In the 20 minutes that Levi was in his bedroom. I got the table set, out food on the table and even wash the dishes that needs to be washed and Levi comes out with his hair wet, in a simple shirt and sweats that hangs low on his waist. He stretch up and I can see some of his and I am trying my best not to stare.

He sits next to me and we both start eating dinner.

"So you got my stash for the week?" He takes a bite of the stew and rice with roasted veggies.

"Yup. I even made turkey for Thursday if you want to for Thanksgiving." I take my own bite before showing him the hand written meals that's in his freezer and fridge, with the instructions for food prep.

"I'm spending it with Erwin and his wife. What about you? You going with Mikasa?"

"Uh, no, they're all heading up north visiting family. Most of my friends are going home Wednesday. "

I can tell Levi tensed up and look at my neutral and calmed look as I continue to eat.

"So, you're going tobyour brother's? "

"Nah, He is probably in a plane to Europe by now. This year my family is spending Thanksgiving in London or Spain." I watch him push his food around on the plate. That's when I reach for his wrist so he could stop. I know exactly what he is doing, he is upset that I would be alone in a holiday.

"Levi, I'll be okay. I'm used to it. Don't worry."

He shake my hand on his wrist and slammed the table that cause me to jump from position. My heart is beating fast and the vibration from Levi slamming the table can be heard. He and I are dead quiet, I don't want to say anything. I've never seen him this angry before towards me.

"No! You shouldn't be used to it. You're one of the most caring person I know and you can't give me that reason. It makes me so mad that you have to deal with this shit because your family doesn't see what an Angel you are."

My heart swell with happiness and my eyes starts to water and my hands are start to shake as I try to hold onto Levi. "I- I never, Levi,  Thank you. Thank you for caring about me." I shut my eyes close and thatsvwhen the tears starts to fall and stained my red cheeks.

I didn't know that Levi got out of his chair cause all I felt was his arm pulling me close to his body and hugging me and caressing me back. Tears kept coming and I couldn't stop, I never felt this kind of emotion in a long time. He pull from the hug and cupped my face in his hand and wiped my tears with his fingers.

"Shhh.. no more tears. You're coming with me to Thanksgiving. No is not an option. You're celebrating with me and Eyebrows and his wife." I couldn't help it, I smile and starts giggling that turned into a full blown laugh. Levi blushed and he laugh as well. It's rare for Levi to laugh and when he does it's like a God is singing to me.

"How's that fair? Now when we have dinner I have that picture of Erwin as Eyebrows." I say between fits if laughter. Levi just pull me closer and hug me tight again.

Levi' s POV

She's laughing from something I said. That makes my heart sore, this is what happiness is. To see the person you care about laughing and smiling is enough for me to come home to after a long day at work.

From this day forward. I will do everything I can for Kari Lancaster not to cry anymore. I want to be the reason for her to smile.

"It's settled then we are going down to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving.  We leave Wednesday and we can stay at my beach house for that week. I am not planning to head back here until Monday morning. I need to get away from all these idiots." That's another fits of laughter coming from her.

"Alright. Can we go to Disneyland while we are there?" Her eyes lit up as she look at me and something inside me that melted and all I did was nodded.

The rest of dinner was her with a smile from ear to ear.

I promise Kari, to make you smile as much as I can and ibwouldnt be the one to cause you pain.

A/N: This Chapter is done...

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