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Antoine pov

I've been so lonely in school. I haven't seen, Ray or Prod, nor have I seen prince or Dig or even Myles which is strange, not that im even concerned as to what happened to the three of them.

It was time for 1st period, and I watched as all the students left to go to class while I stood in the hallway. Once the hallway was cleared, I closed my locker and ran out of school.

I jumped in my cadillac escalade, I ran to the one place, I knew they could be in









Once I pulled up, I jumped out my car and got some tools and clothes and some jordan sneakers just in case, I hid them and ran to the front. The door opened and I was looked at as one of the "customers." I saw the same guy that led me to Roc.

"Hey I remember you." He said tapping his feet on the floor, looking up to the celing while rubbing his chin im guessing trying to remember my name.

"Antoine." He screamed loudly, looking at me smiling. He shook my hand and ask me do I want some more good good. I mentally rolled my eyes. But, I shook my head yes. He said that their was a  triple treat, so I could do whatever I want.

He told me to wait where I was by the main hall.

Chris pov

I walked up into the room where my two sons Roc and Ray were at and my captive or their bestfriend Prod.

"Guess what guys." I said.

"We have a new customer." I saw Roc and Prod shaking while Ray tried to get them to calm down but it didn't help I tried to keep myself from laughing.

Instead of wanting to scream Antiones name, I walked to the main hall and walked him. 

"Have fun." I said, closing the door, and locking it tightly, walking to my soundproof office. It is soundproof for so many reasons. *wink*.

Antoine pov

I walked in, and Ray, Roc, and my lovely Prod didn't look up I guess they were scared. I looked over at Prod and he was shaking terribly with blood just........everywhere.

"Guys." I said, they quickly snapped their heads up and a quick glear of gleam sparked in their eyes.

Ray ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

"God I feel saved already." I laughed and so did he.

I looked at Roc and he smiled.

He got up and gave me a hug.

"I can't wait to get out of here" he said.

I looked over at Prod, and his head laid back down on the pillow.

"Here put these on." I said giving them the clothes and shoes.

"Yo, son we gonna be fresh leaving  this building." Roc said, I slightly chuckled. Only Roc.

I walked over to Prod.

"Hey buddy." I said. He looked at me with those eyes and I just had to look away because they were beautiful as hell,

"Am I so ugly that you had to look away." I heard Prod whisper.

"No babyboy, you are not ugly your the complete opposite. You are beautiful."

"Really?" He said smiling.

"Yeah, now put these clothes on." I said,

"Okay." He said.

He tried to get off the bed but he felled on the floor and groaned, whispering an ouch.

"Prod are you okay, what happened to you." I asked scared that tears were now on the brim of my eyes.

"They raped me Antoine. and I can't stand up my body is filled with pain,even my heart."

I looked at him crying. I can't believe they raped him.

I carried prod to the bathroom, and sat him on the sink.

I pulled down his bloody pants and took off his bloody shirt. I got a rag and cleaned to blood off and he put the shirt on, then I cleaned his bloody legs. I saw that his boxers was extremely bloody.

"Uhm Prod do you mind if I take your boxers off and clean your thingy." I asked rubbing my neck.

"Sure." He said blushing a deep red. I smiled.

I slowly slid down his boxers , and might I say his member was big. 

I slowly grabbed it, and he jerked back biting his lip. I cleaned all around it and I cleaned his sacks too.

When  i was finished. I change Prod into his clothes, and I carried him on my back. I walked into the room and sat prodigy on the bed, I saw Roc and Ray were ready.

I grabbed my tools and opened up the safety guards, It was like a 7 foot jump. Damn!! I tried telling myself not  to worry, especially since I'm gonna have Prod  on my back.

"Roc, Ray you wanna go first." I said.

"Hell yeah." They screamed. They held each others hand, and jumped out the window, landing perfectly, they ran to my car and stood their waiting for me.

I went to Prod and he got on my back.

He squished his head into my neck.

I looked down and I jumped, and I landed on my feet.

"See, I knew you could do it." Prod said. smiling ear to ear. We all ran to the car and I got my keys and opened up the door.

Roc and Prod sat in the back while me and Ray were in the front. I started my car and drove off.

Roc pov

It feels so good to be free.

Chris pov

Antione was taking a bit too long.

I got to the room and I didn't hear anything.

I got my keys and opened the door. I was filled with rage at what I saw.

I will not lose Ray or Roc again. I want their bestfriend Prod too, and now Antione is on my list.

I told Dig, Myles, and Prince to go looking for them, I had no idea what car he has but I will track his ass down.


Okay skittles. Their was a secret, in this chapter. Can you identify it and  tell me what it was?

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