Chapter Twenty Six - Interlude

Start from the beginning

"Lilly, let's take a bath together too!"

Calling out to her, even Lilly herself is surprised that Reiguma invited her.

"You want me- O-Oh, okay I'm coming too! ...Though washing up isn't my main concern...~"

Flying in with an ulterior motive I could hear her snickering to herself, I'd cut in but for this occasion... I'll let it slide if it means for them to bond a bit, Reiguma invited her after all.

"Ho... Interesting."

"Yes, interesting..."

I could only repeat Aliza's remark, even I'm amazed at what just occurred.

"What happened in that volcano, I assume it wasn't something as simple compared to a stroll through the woods."

"Well... A lot of things happened, we met other Serabrae's there, one with nine tails which challenged Reiguma."

"I'm sure Serabrae's don't grow a second tail just from a simple dance."

"It's a long story..."

Even I'm not too entirely sure what happened when Reiguma fell into the magma. I may be running away from it, but I don't really want to know unless she tells me herself.

"Then unfold the story to me, Kiro. We have the rest of the day after all."

Sitting down against the stool as though she's giving me no choice, I could only sigh as I lean against the wall.


"So Reiguma died in her first fight but resurrected due to another Serabrae?"

"Asakuren is what she called her, the deity which was mentioned in that notebook. It seems she played a role in saving Reiguma. That's all I know of it."

"Hmm, I see... I apologise for taking up your time but I dislike being left in the dark."

"Ah, well, I don't mind. I did selfishly ask for you to look after the store while we were gone."

If Aliza wasn't here I would've lost a full day of work, being closed for a day without a word would put stress on the days to come.

"That's true, it's give and take. But moving on to business, you have a bit of requests for items and equipment. However not urgent, the collection time for all is within three days."

Handing me the list, she also brings up the amount of items sold as she takes out the amount of gold that's been collected for the day too. It's not a hefty sum, however it's to be expected. I'm up against all the other Alchemists in the city.

"Well this is sure to keep me busy for the night."

"You're planning to complete all this before tomorrow? I know I've heard you have to work to gain your keep, but there's a thing called fatigue."

She's right about that, however I didn't put as near as much effort as the others. Going a day without giving it my all, especially when I relied more on others doesn't sit too well with me.

Scanning the list once again, they're not too stressing, it may take a little bit of time but that's about it, none in which involved heavy labor. What's great is that I'd be able to do it on my own so Reiguma can rest with ease, she definitely deserves it.

"It wouldn't be a problem, depending on how things go I'd be able to finish these before midnight."

There is something I'd like to do tomorrow after all.

"Well you know your body best. If you need anything else I'll be in the room you've given me."

"Yeah, good work, Aliza."

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