The Art of Ramen Noodles

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"Baby, are you sure you don't want to go for a fourth round?" a seductive female tone softly spoke in a desperate manner.

"I'll call you later, now leave, I have some work to do," another tone came forward, appearing husky. Attempting to arise, my head collides with the metallic counter, throbbing and managing to echo in the sizable room.

With both eyes glued to my petite figure, I bit my tongue to not express or release a sound of any sort. "Lancaster, what are you doing here?" an evidently exhausted Morgan murmured whilst allowing his long fingers to run over his untamed chocolate brown locks.

"You know what, shut up. Don't speak," he pointed at me,"And you, Samantha," he began but only got cut off by the red headed beauty that had nothing but lace lingerie concealing her olive tinted skin.

"Sophie," she giggled whilst correcting him.

"Whatever, I'll call you later." he shrugged her off and waved a hand dismissing her, and her pearl like teeth bit her full lips in return."I'll be waiting, sexy." with that said, she strutted, shaking her bare bottom as she walked right out with her exposed skin on display.

"Good morning to you too," I choked out in the midst of my laughing session.

"Shut up, I'm gonna go wash up and I'll be right back," he initiated walking right back inside his bedroom, but before he could slam the door shut he swiveled on his heel to hear what I had to say.

"I'll be waiting, sexy," I mimicked the girl that was present within the room a minute ago, to only receive a deadly glare from the devil himself. With that said, he slammed the door shut causing his furniture to wobble in fear.

As I was forced to wait for his majesty, I decided to situate myself on the carpet I navigated that was lying right on the wooden floor. Harshly pulling the textbook that weighed a ton or two, I threw it on the floor and also yanked out the notes I managed to scribble down during class. Morgan that had annoyance masking his features, sorrowfully strolled towards where I was situated with a laptop gracing his muscular arms.

"Let's just get this shit over with, I'm not in the mood," he stated whilst ruffling his soft locks.

"What, redhead wasn't a good lay?" I muttered in a joking manner.

"Better than you could ever be," he stated with a chuckle.

"And how would you know that?" I inquired with slight offense lacing my tone of voice.

"I have my ways. Besides, it's obvious you're jealous of me," he crossed his arms over his chest, and his signature smirk crept towards his visage.

"Jealous? Me? Of what?" I chuckled at his idiocy.

"That I get pussy and you don't," he simply muttered with victory oozing out of his tone of voice.

With a dramatic gasp that had offense dripping from it, I confidently spat,"Yes I do!" as soon as those words escaped my parted lips, a guffaw roared in the room, allowing the entire citizens of the state of New York to hear it.

After a series of laughs, he clutched his stomach in attempt to calm himself down."Did you just confess that you swing the other way?"

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