I nodded "He sighed his nails into me and kept on grinning at me as he was doing it to me. The second one came he had a scar just by his eye then the third one came he told me it would be the ride of my life then he did it. Then I was thrown onto the floor and used their fists and kicked me. "

Matt looked at me and rubbed my hand "I'm disgusting."I added "A dead plagued rat would be cleaner then me "

"Don't say that "Matt said "You aren't."

"What happened next?"May asked "Who called the ambulance did someone come help you?"

"Max came he saw me and he put me on his lap "I replied "He told me not to close my eyes but I did. He was talking to me to try to keep me awake."

She nodded "I'm going to have to ask you some questions "She said slowly "First one When was the last time you had consent intercourse with someone?"

"Over four months ago with my ex boyfriend Matt Marley "

"Who was your first time with? State age and where?"

"Matt Marley, at his place and I was twenty in college so was he "

She looked at me and smiled she pressed the end button on the recorder "If there is more we need to get we'll come back "She got up from her seat "I'll see you and thank you "

Then she left. I turned to Matt "You can go if you want "

"I don't want to leave you alone "Matt said "Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Where to?"

"Some place nice "

"I'm not discharge yet "

He got up and grinned at me "I'll work my magic on the nurses " then he left my phone pinged I quickly picked it up it was Simon.

Si Pi~Sorry I couldn't be there for you. I have this work thing. You are so brave River and I love you for that❤️ you can ring me night or day I don't care what for like I always tell you it could be three in the morning and you need someone to talk to you about Ryan Gosling or Bradley Cooper or Matthew Mccougahey I love Matthew amazing actor! Remember that. I'm trying to come down but I can't but I will.

Love you so much. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'm so hungry for a burger 🍔🍟

I smiled at the text. I went the ones I sent Max he still hasn't replied he doesn't care anymore. Maybe he never has.

Matt walked in "She said yes!"


He nodded "Where's your clothes?"

"In the drawer by the machine there "I pointed it out for him he got me a Mayday parade top and a pair of leggings.

He walked over to me and gave them to me I looked at him "Can you help me get changed?  It hurts when I move around a lot"

He nodded "Sure "

He untied the knows of the dressing gown. I looked down at my chest it Is bruised black and purple bruises everywhere even on my big boobs.

My eyes brimmed with tears "They've ruined everything "My voice broke

Matt looked at me "You are still breathtaking you still are beautiful you still have that sparkle in your eyes "

"Stop lying Matt "I sniffed "I'm blue and purple everywhere"

"I'm not letting you beat yourself up about this "Matt said as his hand rested on my back I winced it hurts but I let him he sat next to me "It isn't your fault "

"How isn't my fault?"I said with tears streaming down my face "I'm bruised and battered. I'm blue and purple everywhere. I got raped. "

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him "I know "

"I've been raped and It has scarred my life "

"I'm always here and I'm not going to leave again"


"Promise "

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