Chapter 5

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Next Day

I yawned as I stretched my arms, I opened my eyes for a second and closed them I try to drift back to sleep but there is something im forgetting i opened my eyes again and sat up. I was asleep on the couch? I rubbed my eyes as I sat crossed legged on the couch. I buried my head in my hands trying to remember.  Oh shit!

I quickly got up from the couch and ran into my room, I looked through my bag to find my phone I found it it was eight forty! shit I have twenty mintues. I ran into my closet and pulled out maroon skater dress and put some tights on I slipped on black boots I quickly braided my hair then burshed my teeth and washed my face.

I grabbes my bag and my keys, I ran out of the house and went down to the car. I quickly drove off to work. I parked in the building car park and ran out of the car to the door. I walked in, at least im here sit i need my pass i fished in my bag for my pass oh fuck! I saw Elena walking with someone i waved my hands frantically at her she looked at me and made her way to me "What's wrong?"

"I left my pass at home "I replied with a sigh "And i cant get in "

"Is there someone at home who can bring it?"She asked "Dont wory it happens to everyone "

Alex is there! "Yeah there is "I replied "I'll call her and she'll bring it "

Elena nodded "In the meantime we'll go in together " I walked with her she used her pass and we were in she also used her pass for me to get in the office. I placed my bag on the desk and  looked at his office he wasnt in there yet. I pulled out my phone from my bag and called Alex.

"Hello"She yawned "I swear if this you Daniel im-"

I cut her off "It is me Riv can you look for my pass please? it has my name and the company name called Kayton's "

"Yeah sure should i bring it to you?"

"Yeah as quick as you can "

"Okay "

"And next time check your caller ID thank you "

I hung up on the phone and out it back in my bag, i put my bag under my desk and logged onto the computer then the doors i opened and he walked in he looked at me and gave me this look. I looked at him and smield just to annoy him "How are you today sir?"

He grunted at me then walked into his office suit yourself then, my computer beeped i looked at it

New person

You dont get to talk to me nor smile at me i do not apperciate your unicorns and ranibows mood

Thank you

Maximillian Kayton

Maxy Max

You are not in charge of my moods and the mood im in is happniess maybe you should try it sometime crack as smile now and then if you dont i think your face would be a stone wall for the rest of your life.

Your ever so welcome,

River Allen.

How do you like those cookies served? i heard a growl from his office i chuckled a little then my computer beeped again

New person

There is nothing to crack a smile for, I want the sales files amd suppliers files.

Go fetch them.

Maximillian Kayton

Moody Max

Period still havent gone?

I'm not a dog and you'll have to wait.

River Allen


I don't know shouldn't you know?

You might not be one but you sure to act like one.

I will not wait i want them now!

Maximillian Kayton

Oooh didn't get a ice cream did you? Aw it is so sad.

Stop being at six year old who is having a tantrum because they havent got ice cream.

You own a company. You should know better.

River Allen

P.S there is a massive difference between a lake and a river! your family are filthy rich shouldn't you know the difference?

The intercom buzzed, i pressed the button "Who is this?"

"It is Alex "She answered "River Rose Allen friend im dropping something off for her dont worry it isnt a bomb"

"Yeah i'll let you in " i buzzed her in and she walked in she looked at the place then at me "You work here?!"She whispered

I nodded "Yeah i do "

She walked to my desk "It is really nice you know "She smiled "Do you think you can get me a job here? "

"I dont know "i replied with a shrug "It is my second day here did you bring it?"

Her eyes still glued on the place she pulled it out her back pocket and gave it to me then i heard his footsteps fuck! he walked in he looked at me then at Alex. Alex looked at him and gasped "M-Max "She whispered

He ignored her and looked at me "You arent allowed friends here!" He said with a growl "I want her out now!"

I looked at her and she looked at me "Daniel is waiting for me downstairs "She said with a fake smile "I'll see you tonight " then she left I got up from my chair and looked at him "What the hell?! You didnt need to do that!"

"Does it look like I fucking care?!"He yelled at me "Go get me the things I wanted now and I dont want to fucking here anything about it go!"

His face so red and his hands clenched into a fists I picked my pass and left no point with arguing with him and hwo the fuck did alex know him?!

The BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora