Chapter 18

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Next Day.

Mum looked at me and sighed "Darling I have to go to work "

I looked at her she only just came in "Yeah go "

She nodded then left me in the hospital room all empty. A knock came from the door I looked up to see a policewoman stood there.

She looked at me and gave me a smile "Hello River may we come in?"

I nodded then she walked in she sat down on the chair beside me. "I'm May "She introduced her "I'm in the rape and child exptation department"

I looked at her what did she wanted to me say? She carried on "When you came yesterday you weren't awake and we did the tests all we need today is you to go through with us on what happened im going to tape it okay"then she pulled out this recorder and pressed the button and said my full name

I felt a grab from my shoulder i moved my hands away and looked at the man he was homeless he looked at me and grinned "Move away from me"I said in a panic tone "Stop touching me "

Then two other men came "HELP!"I yelled

One pushed me then grabbed my both of my arms "Help!"I yelled no one was listening the other guy held my legs but i kept on kicking but he caught my legs the homeless man put a rag over my mouth before I knew it I was in an alleyway.

Tears streamed down my face, she handed me a tissue and I wiped my tears away. Just even thinking about it.

"Would you like someone to accompany you?"She asked "Anyone who could come now?"

I shook my head for no "They'll all be busy "

"Are you sure?"

I nodded "I was on Avenue street, I was really upset about work and this man came up to me he was homeless he grabbed my shoulder I told him to stop touching me but he didn't listen "

I took a deep breath "Take your time "May said as she rubbed my hand "You've been through a lot "

I carried on "Then two other men came one pushed me and held my arms the other one was trying to catch my legs I kept on resisting kicking him but then he caught my legs. The homeless guy put a rag in my mouth then they took me to an alleyway "

More tears streamed down my face I didn't want to say anymore "Can you carry on please?"May asked "Just to the end then we will leave you "

"They pushed me against a wall in the alleyway and my hands were tied to my back. They pulled my trousers down. I started screaming for help no one heard then the homeless guy did it to me and the man was yelling to him to hurry up and called him rick. The others were by the bins "

I looked at May she looked disgusted "I know I didn't defend myself I didn't even put up a fight "

"No it isn't that "She said assuring to me "You couldn't it is understandable"

I nodded then a knock came from the door and Matt was stood there he looked at me his eyes were red and puffy "River?"

I looked at him and more tears came down he walked over to me and hugged me. I sobbed on his chest "Matt"I whispered

His hand slowly stroked my back "It's okay "He whispered "It's okay I'm here "

He let go of me after a few minutes, I wiped my tears away "Can you continue please?"May questioned

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