Survival: Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter: Twenty-Two

This time I arrive on time on day two of being employed job. The day starts slow but it eventually picks up at lunch-hour. My manager told me that if I have my papers but I tell him that I'll get them tomorrow. Also, I have a good connection with my workers. They're pretty chill. I'm glad my first job isn't shitty. I was always told that the first jobs are the worst. Guess they were wrong.

This time the crazy old bat didn't stop by to order her large espresso. However, Marie did get a bad customer. Some lady came in screaming she didn't get what she wanted and slammed the cup of coffee on the ground. And yes, I cleaned it.

My shift ended and Jesse offered me a ride home. But I told him no.

"No, thanks," I told him." I like walking."

"Okay, see you tomorrow," he waves goodbye.

"Yeah, later," I tell him. "Thanks for the offer, though."

He walks away and steps into his car.

I walk home in silence. The only sound that is going on is my voice in my brain.

And the only person I can think of Sam.

Sam, my brother.

I wonder if he's alright. I wonder if his piece-of-shit foster parents he has been blaming him for my disappearance. Did he tell them the truth? Did he lie? He was never a good liar. The only thing I know is that he'll be happy when I'll contact him, which I will do tonight. Besides that, I'm starving so I find a gas station and I walk in. And this time I'm not planning to steal something. I have ten bucks Emma gave me she said," just in case you need it." I tried to reject it but she made me take her money only if I would pay her back later. I buy a slice a pizza and a half-sweet and half-non sweet tea. I eat at a small table inside the store.

This brings me back memories when Sam and I use to go out and hang out, even if we didn't have money. We would make time fun. We would forget life. I miss those times, and I miss Sam. He's the only person I miss, besides my dead family.

After I finish eating my small dinner, I walk out and it's raining. I don't mind the rain. In fact, I always wanted to walk in the rain. I always wanted to just walk under the falling water without caring if my clothes would get wet.

Step by step, I walk alone towards home.

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