Chapter 9

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Tony's Pov.
Since I'm not stupid, I followed Ally to this weird club. That is when I lost her. She walked into the girl's dressing room.
'Up next Boneitta and Bob, this match includes weapons folks, so watch out. We aren't responsible for any injuries recieved.'
I wonder why Ally is here. Where is she? I notice a girl with brown hair, like Ally's in the ring. This appears to be a underground street fight club. I was watching the match when I realized that they had pulled out guns. Boneitta show the guy in the leg, and he went down. Bob shot the girl in the stomach and she stayed firm. She then shot the guy in the chest and he was dead. Everyone could tell. 'The winner is Boneitta!!!' She then went into the girl's changing room and then Ally came out. . It was then i realized that Boneitta was Ally, and Ally was Boneitta. I walked up to her and said 'are you okay, I saw you get shot.' She turned around and nodded.
'Why did you follow me Tony, it isn't safe.' She asked.
'I didn't realize it would be this dangerous. Let's go get you fixed up.'
'I'm fine. I already took care of it in the changing room.' she replied.
'Let's head home. We'll discuss this tomorrow.'
'Alright.' She responds.
--------Elevator Ride Skip-----------

'Hey, Ally, wanna hang out today, get to know eachother?'
'Sure, let me go get ready.' I respond.

I left, or go get dressed. I put on my gym shorts, a sports bra and a tshirt.
I also grabbed my purse that has a gun and butterfly knife in it. With that we left.

'So what do you like to do?' Tony asked.
'I like to go to the gym, boxing, target practice, and knife throwing. Not to mention robotics and engineering. What about you?'
'Well, I enjoy saving people, michanical engineering, science, making things blow up, and alcohol.'
'That's cool, except for the last one.'
'Any specific reason, as to why?'
'None I'm ready to share.'
'let's head to the gym. I wanna see what you can do.'
'Yay! Let's go.'
-----walking skip-----
We reach the gym, and I walk into the gym.
'Heyy, Ally, what are you doing here, bit early don't you think?'
'Hi, George, yes I know but I've met my dad recently and he wanted to hang out. So here we are. Can you set up a boxing match?'
'Sure, Ally, although you've beat everyone here.'
'Put her up against me.'
'Mr. Stark, are you sure? She's our best.'
'I'm positive.' He replies.
'Okay. Clear the ring!' George shouts.

We set up and I wrapped my knuckles,  as well as taking of my tshirt. I never fight in a shirst, it restricts my movement.
------time skip-----
The bell rung and the fight began.
Stark made the first move. He tried to send a jab to my stomach. I grabbed it and sent a kick to his head. I pulled my kick so that the fight would last longer than three seconds. I'm known for my strong kicks.
I let go of his arm and backed away, granted this is something you should NEVER do, but the more breaks I give him the longer the fight.
'You have good form.' Tony says.
'Thanks. Yours is alright. It could use some work.'
'Sure it does.' He says rolling his eyes.
'Well,' I say closing the space between us, 'you have an opening here,' I point out the opening with a punch to his right side. You also have a tell, for when you are about to punch or kick, I say as I block a left kick.
'You also a have an opening here,' kicking his left thigh.
'I'm out. You win.' Tony says tapping the mat.
'You wuss, I didn't even break a bone of yours. Must be loosing my touch.'
'Idea, you start training me at the tower, so I can fight hand to hand better. I saw what you did last night. You killed Bob. It was a good fight, but dangerous. How are you not in pain?'
'Done. I don't like being followed, you're lucky I let you. I don't feel pain because of a reason.'

I'm in the girl's locker room when I hear a voice I haven't heard in years.
'Well, looks like someone has gotten better at fighting.'
'Get out of this room, now.' I say in a very calm voice.
'Here's a note from John.'
With that he left.

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