Chapter 7

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The next morning, I woke up ate some food and took a shower, among other morning rituals, while being careful with my sholder. 
'Ally, you up here?' I hear Tony ask.
'In the shower, be out in a few.' I reply, my mind automatically thinks back to last night's converstation.
What if questions start to creep into my mind, and I start to panic.
------shower skip------

'What's up, Tony?' I ask, not yet ready to call him dad.
'I wanted to ask about your shoulder, I saw the blood, so don't try to lie.'
'I was stabbed,' I say calmly.
'What, do you mean stabbed, why are you calm about this?' He replies freaking out... lol
'Got mugged, he took out a knife, had have worse happened. Don't ask.'
'Okayyy, I'll let you tell me about it later, but come to the lab, I wanna check it out, with Banner, ok?'
'Good. Let's go.'
------elevator ride skip------

Ally's  Pov
As we walk into the lab, I notice Bruce is working on some contraption. I walk up next to him and see that there is a flaw in the design.
'You know you forgot to carry the 7 right?' I ask.
He jumped. 'Wha... oh. Hi Ally. What did you say?'
'You forgot to carry the 7.'
'Guess I did, thanks.' Bruce replied.
'Hey, Banner, can you help check her shoulder, she got stabbed last night, and she won't tell me how.' Asked Tony.
'Way to tell the world, Tony.' Was my sarcastic response.
'Yeah, sure, come here Ally. Let me see.'
Well, it barley missed the artery in your shoulder, so that us why it was bleeding so much, so how'd it happen?
'The norm, mugged on the cruel streets of NY.'
'Oh, ok.' Replied Bruce.

After my check up, I got a call from my boss saying he booked me another fight, with weapons, so come prepared.
'See you tonight.'
'I'm going to work tonight, so I got to go get ready. Bye.'

Tony's  Pov.
'Bye.' Said Ally.
'Something is up with that girl,' I tell Bruce.
'Well, that girl, is your daughter. You could look her up. Your probably already doing that, as is Nat, Clint and Steve.'
'Well, she wasn't walking home. She drove her car for crying out loud. How could she possibly have gotten mugged? Plus, where did she afford her Mustang???'
'I'm taking no part in this,' replied Bruce.
'I'm gonna follow her to work tonight.' Tony says.

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