"I guess you're correct. Well, see you then." I waved her off.


Back at home, I had my lunch, talked to mom for a while and began studying like a mad man. Or a woman, whatever you say.

Harry came up as demanded and helped me again revising all the concepts to reduce my stress.

He also enquired if I was PMSing. On that, I laughed real hard (including smacking the back of his head) and got back to studies.

By the time we were done, it was seven in the evening already. He left saying that he had some work and mom asked him to stay for dinner. Just like me, he said 'Next time' and left.

Great now, I had to study by myself.

"Ciara honey, it's already half past eleven. If you won't sleep, you'll forget everything. Now go and have some rest." Mom worried about me.

"Okay mom." I really thought she was correct. Maybe I was worrying a lot. What if I actually forgot because of my stupid behaviour? I needed sleep.

12:10 a.m.

It was the hundredth time I was checking the clock. My body and eyes wanted to sleep, but my mind was keeping me awake. That was why I hated my mind many times.

Just when I thought I would have to stay up all night, an idea stuck up my mind.

I debated if I should call Harry or not. Should I? Shouldn't I? Maybe he was sleeping. Maybe he was not? What should I do?

Whenever in doubt, listen to your first thought.

I called Harry.

"Angry Bird?" He spoke in his deep raspy sleepy voice. I already regretted disturbing his sleep.

"I'm sorry Harry if I troubled you sleeping. I'll hang up." I was about to do so when he began.

"It's okay Birdie. Tell me what happened?"

A blush threatened to creep up my cheeks.

I didn't know why, the thing I was going to say next, was already making my heart raise. "Um.. Like tomorrow I have my test so-"

"Shit baby, don't worry please just take deep breaths, drink water, eat something if you don't feel nauseous but if you do then-"

By now I was a full blushing mess, "I just can't sleep. I am not worried Harry." I said with a smile. How much he cared for me made my heart swell with a certain emotion that I can't put my finger on. He just made me feel truly happy-happy.

"Really? Already missing my arms Angry Bird?" I could easily see him cuddling with his cushion on the right, his phone pressed up against his left ear with his left hand and a sexy lop-sided smirk on his face and dang, his dimple.

"Not completely but yes in a way." Even when we were on the phone, I found myself grinning from ear to ear.

"Wait up 10 minutes, baby. I'll be right back."

"What? Are you going somewhere? Having a wee? Wha-" But before that, he hung up the phone.

10 minutes? What did he want to do in that time? Blowing an exaggerated breath, I just laid on my bed and waited.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the window pane. My temporarily closed eyes shot open in worry but soon softened when I saw Harry there. Smiling adorably. Wait... Harry at my window?

Crazy guy!

I quickly opened the window and pulled him into the room. Well, he pulled himself. I can't help, he was so giant!

"Nice to meet you again baby." He wrapped his arms around me. I snaked my arms around his slim waist and nuzzled my head in his chest inhaling his colonge.

He called me names, he hugged me so passionately, he cared for me all the time, he helped me, he made me feel things. What more did I need?

Shit, I didn't even give half of it to him.

"Now let's sleep." He chuckled once we broke away from the warm, comforting hug.

Once again I found myself laying on bed but this time, a wonderful Geek god-like body laying beside me as well. More than half of my weight was resting on him, his both arms were wrapped around my waist. His face was nuzzled in my head and which rested on his naked chest. I could never get used to this position, it always made me feel something, I didn't even know why he was with me. Why did he care for me this much? Did I do something great in my last birth?

If anyone would witness, they'll think that we were dating. But we weren't. Hmm..

"Sleep Angry Bird. You have to do a lot tomorrow." He cooed in my ear and miraculously I felt my eyes dropping and soon I was getting lost in the world of self thoughts, self imaginations.


Sometimes you really feel, "What if I hadn't met this person?"

"What would I be doing right now?"

I feel exactly the same way.



Woohoo!! Harry cuddled with Ciara!
Ciara is feeling things for him!

But anyways, I have my 10th grade results coming out soon and I'm freaking out! Save me.

So the question that has been in my mind...
Gasolina or Despacito?

Take care. X

Until next time,
Much love,
Mohika Arya.

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