July 13th 439

19 2 2

Black, all Xander saw was black. Was he dead? Was he having an out of body experience. He attempted to move his toes. Those were still in working order. His focus went now to his fingers. Yes those were fine as well. He was still on the stone paved street. He could grab hold of the gravel and move it, he was sure of this. Then he came to the realization that there was something still smothering his body against the hard ground he made every effort to pry the blur off of him. He made one gentile push and it, or he, or she, came off without much trouble. It fell off of his face and into his arms. He sat up caching the glare of the burning sun. The yellow light still blocking his vision began to fade. He began to take in his surpundings. On his right side was a branch that had cleanly broken off. A small pile of leaves to his left, and in his arms was a girl. A a young women actually. He turned the body so that he could see the face of the lady. He gently placed one arm around her side. And then the other to support her head. Before he was appointed guard of the castle, he had some practice in medicine and knew how to respond in an emergency situation. It had long sense been the time were he had used his knowledge in the feild. But never the less some of the safety precautions were engraved in his memory. Upon the tilt of her head he realized that what had fallen from the tree was not any ordinary thing. It was princess sara herself. With her still in his arms he stood up and made haste to the nearest physicians house. It was still dawning hour so the streets were still clear. Xander was able to make a strait shot to Lord Kernel's home. Him and Xander were appointed to their duties at the castle on the same day. (yeah I said duties get over it) he was appointed directly by the king him self to supervise the health and safety of the Princess and her staff. Xander entered into the house Lord Kernel's. He eased the princess onto the table in the center of the room. "Kernel come quickly! The Princess is not responsive!" The sound of crashing pottery, and pounding footsteps coming down the steps came from the upper level. He emerged from the back room in a whirlwind of hurry. The look on his face showed that he understood the urgency of the situation. The process of examinations, check overs and evaluations proceeded. Nervous minuets went by. The thoughts flooded Xander's head were thoughts of the kingdom without its future queen. Or even what the king would do to the man who was connected with his daughters death. Yes its true he is merciful. But how far can compassion be stretched? The king was still only human. But still yet it is the princess. He was doing everything in his power to save her life. "She is going to be fine young Xander" Kernel could clearly see the extent of Xander's fear for the situation. "Why don't you go home and rest Xander, i know you have been up for many hours. I can manage the princess from here on my own." "Much thanks to you Kernel." "There is not much you an do any way. You have done your part, ill do mine. Go on home."

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