July 7th, 439

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It was a gourgeous day in Zares. Spring had just rolled in, destroying every thought of winter past. The kingdom of Zares was not known for its bad weather any way. It was always usually peaceful, and calm. But at the same time full of life! The people in Zares displayed the same characteristics. All were warm, kind, welcoming, gental people. No problems, crimes or quarrels ever even saw the light of day in Zares. It was a spotless kingdom, you could almost call it perfect. The King did everything in his power to maintain its perfection. Oh yes the King was mighty. He was mighty, but not arrogent, not rude, not selfish, not unfair, not a lyre, not evil or even mean in the slightest bit. He was a king that was respected by everyone and he respected them in the same manner. Though he was of noble blood he did not live in a castle, or use any of his position to spoil him self. He lived among the common people as if nothing was different. The only things he used his power for was to make decrees when needed, and to build an castle in the very middle of the kingdom, not for him self but for his one and only daughter. Sara, meaning The Princess in Hebrew. She was just as noble, honest, kind, and humble and as wise as her father. Every thing she did succeeded and prospered due to her judgment. She was also beautiful. The most beautiful women in the kingdom! Her hair like tall waving grass that sways in in the felid, her eyes like the ocean, calm and peaceful, but at the same time strong and powerful. Her cheeks like the meadows, full of color and grace. Her lips like Ivory, her neck like a monument, her hands like a baby, but arms strong as an ox. She was perfect. Her parents had raised her to be this way. This Princesses hand was asked for by manny princes and men alike, but her heart longed for one. She didn't know who yet, but she knew he was somewhere out in the land that she looked at every day. Till the day he came, she would wait in Zares, and in the meantime grow in the arms of her father.

"And the decorations and banners are almost at the ready for the celebration." Said the right hand man of the king. The whole kingdom was was preparing for Princess Sara's 20th birthday, which was not 2 days away. "Excellent Jamez! How is the information being kept from my daughter?" "All of your faithful subjects have behen informed of the secrecy upon the arrival of their invitation my lord." "Excellent, i am exited to see the face of my daughter. My deepest thanks go to you Jamez for helping me pull this all together." "The pleasure has been all mine your magisty!" Jamez says with enthusiasm. "I share your excitement in the upcoming events. The princess is ever so blessed to have a father such as your grace." "And the lord God has blessed me with you, a dear friend and assistant to help me guide her in her up bringing after the death of her mother." Said the king with great fullness and contempt in his eyes. The smile on Jamez's face showed the king that it pleased him that the he felt this way towards his dear friend was undeniably the same . The respect between these two was evident in just the sight of there interaction. Upon the invasion and attack of the army of Abaddon on Zares, caused the death of manny in the kingdom including the Queen. The bond between the king and Jamez became strong. Ever sense that which came to be known at the only disaster, the kingdom of Zares in its entirety became stronger, more humble, more powerfull, and more ready then any kingdom under the great sky. Even through such great fires and tribulations, they were one. "I believe this kingdom is ready for this celebration Jamez" "I agree sire, i whole heartedly agree."


Birds made a ruckus as they made a hasty exit from the forest. The cause of all this commotion was a horse and his rider bolting through the woods like lightning striking the highest peek. The "hea"s of the horseman were deep and piercing. All of these sounds were poetry. And like canon blast, they, the horse and his man burst through the wooded layer. For the first time that morning the couple saw daylight. The black, mud stained, shrub torn, jacket of the ridder was bathed in light as it flapped behind the both. The daylight seemed to almost give the two energy they needed. There journey ended 7 miles ahead of there present position at a house just inside the princes castle gates. Upon there arrival at the gates the rider was greeted by a tall man with clothing of the same condition. "Treamon my good friend, how was the patrol of the outer lands?" "Twas nothing to stir excitement my dear Vinci. Your pretty little head shouldn't fret a bit." A chuckle was exchange between the two friends as they stepped inside the house. "Could you keep it down you two?" Xander, who was in the center of the room, said this jokingly. "Since when have you known us to keep things down Xander?" "Unfortunately never. If only you could do the same with your drinking." The trio burst into laughter. "If we only were men of the habit, this would be true my friend." "On. the contrary, if we were men of the habit, the three of our jobs would be terminated. Seeing that the focus of our job is manly at latter hours." The three partook in a long silence, just taking in the peace and quiet of the moment. Through all the plaining of the princesses party, these three men were the only watchmen of the princesses castle. They were set incharge of doing all in there power to perverse the safety and the order of the preparations. A sigh came from Xander who had not moved a the center of the room. The dark shadows under his eyes now became evident to Treamon and Vinci. For Xander had been on patrol all through the night with out a wink of rest. "You best be getting home my friend." "We can take it from here." Said the two with complete understanding for Xander's exhaustion. It had been an tiresome couple days for all of them. Xander waved and bid his farewells to the two. And began to walk down the stone street to his home. The had been a tradition ever sense he was appointed guard of the princesses castle only a few years ago. He would walk home with arms keeping to the same pace as his legs, and sing a tune his mother used to sing to him as a child.

"Tis is the mighty power of the most high God and king

Forever we adore the, the angles in the sky will sing

Your glory shines upon the earth you are our all in all

Oh victory to our savior he'll rain forever more"

Suddenly a loud crash came from the tree above. Xander quickly looked and stood in confusion as the black silhouette screamed with all its might as it fell. And before understanding began to flood Xander's head, the figure brought Xander down to the stone paved ground with a loud and hardend crash.

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