To The Forgotten

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Searching for comfort and a friend

I hope I can find it in this ink

I hope I can find it in this paper

Write my confidence & strength in parchments just to save it for later

But this life gets so damn tiring

I've spent hours on end, rewiring My brain

Untangling my insecurities and conditioning my pain

To place them behind the film in my eyes

In a sadistic cycle of soaking and wringing myself dry
Too shameful to beg a God for forgiveness and in the same tone asked to be saved

 I can't believe what I say

I don't believe what I pray

There has to be an evil kind of love to exist for this pain to be made

No, it had to be created

An understanding for the world gone wrong

A love for life finally faded

Or maybe not exist at all...Why ask for help?

Why talk at all

When the staccato in my voice is the break in my poems

The block for my inspiration

Sweet suicide sings softly to my persuasion
And they dance beautifully. I'm enticed by the sight,

I'm intrigued by the lie that I speak 

Their concern is a fib to me

Obliged by their own self sufficient esteem to inquire when they see me stare too long

When they see me smile too hard

So when I tell them I'm okay, they don't know if their suspicions were wrong

So spare me from the 5 minute prolonged heartfelt message you copied from a post

And I'll repay you, by lying so at least I can suffer with my dignity.

 And that's the lie they believe the most.

And act shocked when we die, Appalled with themselves for not noticing the signs
Then when the sun turns up and it's easier to hurt, They take credit for our recovery

As if they lent us a shirt

So I watch my demons waltz with each other.Wondering why they never sit down and talk to each other

They dance for hours.

Even when the music stops, even when the tears halt.

Too distracted to know that it plucked away my flowers

Plucked away my drive

Almost 20 years and counting and searching for a reason to want to be alive.

Maybe if my demons talk,

Things will finally start to fall into place.

Maybe if I saw the footprints in the sand, I wouldn't need a reason to walk.But you see this look on my face...

20 years later and I'm still the way I came into this world.

Tear stained faced, and a voice gone hoarse, stop drop and curl.

Back into my fetal position

I see faces in the crowd filled guilt ridden.

My voice still shakes when I speak in to the mic

I don't think my words can attach to people except for myself late at night.

When I ask is there more to me? Is there more to life?

These words don't come willingly Why is God's blessing killing me?

To Whom It May ConcernWhere stories live. Discover now