To The Seedling

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It is to you, I really owe it to,

to extend these vines in condolence. (my apologizes, my apologizes. Bring forth your fruit like offering to the Gods)

How I know you turn from me, with curled coils and wide almond eyes glancing up at me from years ago.

I see you through the mist of the past, I see you as you see me- a stranger to one day.... meet...and then know

Then forget again.

Tossing aside carelessly like litter in the sea.

You're not impressed, nor are you surprised. Yet your whimpers stun me.

"Why have you given up on us? Why did you give up on me?"

An apology is what is required but from you to me. How can you be angry when I'm saving us now before it get's darker?

Before we grow aimlessly downwards.

This is what we call falling. This is what we call saving. This is what we call prayer. This is what we call redemption.

The world screamed too loud for your mind to register. Your emotions grew before you did and never did you catch up. (that is not a question, but a fact so don't turn your head in confusion)

Never did we.

Never did I.

You can hate me all you want but tell me did I lie?

Have I not been careful? Have I not tried?

Scars from playground falls...never did I flinch at a cut or burn

Then unscrewing sharpeners like dreams so coyly.

Is it our instinct to hurt or do we learn?

Even now I feel you shake and shudder.

"I deserve a poem. I deserve a farewell."

But ours shall be more personal. Because you knew me best and I knew you well.

Your eyes will be the last I see before the string is cut and I'm brought to see the beautiful golden gates of Heaven or to the fire that has been my life..from this one, straight to another-

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