Story time

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Welcom to story time where Donny just finished telling mike a story from the acemt times. 1700 I mean.  Hint: this will be long!

Donny: they found hitcliff dead and saw two ghost holding each other's hands. The end

Mike: what happened to c.j?

Donny: c.j?

Mike: Cathrin junior?

Donny: nothing, she married her cousin and had a family

Mike:  but didn't hitcliff die? Why did they still Mary?

Donny: they where married before hitcliff died.

Mike: how could someone force someone else to Mary their own cousin?

Donny: it's was the mid-evil days. Rather you could choose who to marry or get forced to one day. If you're a women A random man could jump right in front of you and say he'll kill you if you dont marry him and you would have to marry him. It's the rule.

Mike: so why couldn't Mary get a divorce with Gilbeto?

Donny: gal-Beto?

Mike: yeah Gilbeto, c.j's cousin?

Donny: *'whispers* lord so many fake names. back in those days there was no such thing as divorces, if your married your married and you have to be apart of the marriage. It's the law.

Mike: so they had to be together no matter what? I still think they had divorces then,

Donny: Mike a divorce back then would mean death. Unless someone in the marriage is dead it's still alive.

Mike: what if the wife didn't want to be in the relationship, would she still have to act the part?

Donny: she didn't even have to bother, the man could of rapped her for all we know and still he could get away with it because women didn't have rights then.

Mike: so the man could just walk up to the women and randomly shoot her without getting arrested?

Donny:....... okay that is on a different level, but yeah you get the point.

Mike: why didn't they just call the police

Donny: Mike in the mid-evil times they had no police. If you murdered someone you murdered someone. No one could do anything about it back then. It's the MID-EVIL TIMES.

Mike: OH...............................well now I finally get the evil part.

Donny: 😒 get out my room.

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