Chapter 2

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Mabel and Candy were packing up for college. Everyone had turned up to see them off. There was tension surrounding the twins. They didn't make it obvious but it was there. They all got together.

"So... I guess this is goodbye." The mood went damp.

"Come on everyone! Cheer up! We'll be back soon-"

"Every holiday you mean. Wouldn't miss you kids for the world."

"We'll try our best Wendy." Pacifica came by shortly after they were done with their goodbyes. She had left her parents' house. She dragged her luggage over.

"Sorry guys. Came a bit late I guess. I was packing-"


"What's going on?"

"Calm down guys. I'm eighteen! A full adult. I can make my own decisions."

"But are you sure? I mean you don't really know how to do anything, no offence." She glared at him.

"None taken." She didn't really mean to be so angry. He was right after all.

"Woah. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the king sized luxury bed-"

"Would you like to quit mumbling and say that to my face-"

"Guys! Quit arguing. Turn that frown upside down!" They laughed at Mabel's comment, a fake laugh. Obviously. "Now Pacifica, where are you gonna go exactly?"

"Don't know. As far away from my parents as possible." Mabel frowned.

"Well we've got a problem."

"Don't worry guys. I'll be fine." She really wouldn't.

"I doubt it Northwest-"

"Mabel, your idiot of a brother is disturbing me-"

"I know! You two can go together-"

"Woah there Mabel-"

"Mabel I love you like a sister but you have lost your marbles." Mabel rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on guys just think about it. You get a place to stay and you won't be all alone."

"I can manage being alone-"

"I don't need his help-"

"Children? Mabel says yes. Plus. The Shipper would approve-"

"Uh... shipper?"

"She thinks there's a woman governing all the ships in the universe."

"No comment."

"Bye guys." They hugged Candy and Mabel. Sweat fell from their eyes as they waved. Their eyes wandered to each other.

"Hey Dipstick?"

"That's... not... my name-"

"I've got a surprise for you."


"Yeah." She chucked something at him. He glared at her. "My bag." They began to walk away from Gravity Falls.

"This... thing... weighs... a tonne..."

"Not so strong now eh tough guy?" He glared at her.

"Of all the people to go exploring with. I get you."

"Yep. Aren't you lucky." They continued in silence. "You know, sometimes I wonder when we started hating each other."

"Beats me." They both shrugged. They began to climb a mountain. Then they stopped mid climb and turned. Gravity Falls smiled at them with all her beauty.

"Goodbye Falls. Hello weird."

"Bye mother. Goodbye father." She turned back to the mountain and never looked back.

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