The Werewolf Story

Start from the beginning

Yang stop and make Yin and Tune Stop behind him. And Yang looking Mr.Tablet house.
Yang: "There's something creepy about Mr. Tablet"
Tune: "I'm sure he says the same thing about you~!" Walk leave Yang.
Yin walks follow Tune.
Yang: "Hmph! Some Buddy? Huh? Not trusting his best Buddy!"

And in somewhere else, Yang is do Acting Drama in School.
Yang: "I have injected the potion. Sweating, tachycardia, suffocation, ooooh! God!
Heaaat! Possible hypertension, I will check it, aaaaaaah! Spasms, convulsions, I feel
my body growing, I feel strong, big, hahaha big!"
The light turn Like lighting when Yang drink the potion.
Yang: *Coughing* "Test Tube! What you are do to the potion?! *Cough* Poison me?!"
Mr.Oscar: "No No No! Cut!"
Test Tube comes.

TT: "Yang, that's just Water in color....... But except is some those color have some a Substance, I think..."
Yang: !! *Coughing again* "You are almost brun my throat!"
TT: "Ahaha.... Opss"
Mr.Oscar: *sigh* "Okay! Don't care if you make over this, even weird or you must do it... But now you must can do this Drama good, and also for Yin...."
Yin get out with the Iron Paper
Mr.Oscar: "Get the Lighting sounds strongly and hit it hard and make.... You know? Blast!"
Yin: "Uh um....Yeah?"

Burrito & Gun is behind Yin.
Burrito: "Ha ha!"
Gun: "Looks who is here~?" *make his hand to fist*
Yin: "Uh!"
Gun: "you can't do anything, hm?!"
Burrito: *get Yin's Lunch* "You lucky this time, Dumb Boy...~"
Then Trophy is hit Yin's head by mop when he Mopping.
Trophy: "Ha Ha! Hahaha!" *Go Mopping somewhere else*

Yin run but bumps to a Chair when Soap are Sitting.
Yin: *grap Soap chair so she's not fall* "Sorry Soap... *Gasp*" *hide behind Soap Chair*
Gun and Burrito go away.
Soap: "Gosh Yin, can't you be a little brave?"
Yin: "I don't like to fight anyone...."
Salt is makes up her face, while Pepper have some costume.
Salt: "Hello~Like, what's that?"
Pepper: *wear her Tree costume* "Your Costume"
Salt: "What?! You mean... I'm Like.. a Tree?!"
Pepper: "I'm Like Sorry, Salt"
Salt: *run to pepper* "No! Noo!" *Thud*

Back to Yang.
Yang: "Oh Mr.Oscar! I have an idea! How if I test the potion, like a real? And I will make a real explosion!"
Mr.Oscar: "Yang....Yang! Please.... I want you become serious.... I'm very hoping to you"
Yang: *put the Madame Raya Kit* "But from this Madame Raya Kit! I promise it will be very good!"
Mr.Oscar take a coffee while Yang Put the Potion and add it randomly.
Test Tube that mopping the floor is looking Yang Put the Potion randomly.
TT: "Yang! You can't Playing with a chemical!"
Test Tube Take the Potion before he add the last potion.
Yang: "But who is become a Madness Scientist here?! You or me?!"
Yang take the potion again.
TT: "But! .... Look out!!!!" *Test Tube hiding*

[a massive explosion from Yang concoction creates a giant green mushroom cloud over the school, which can be seen from Yin-Yang and Tune house]
Master: " That looks like it's coming from the school!"
He moans and looks at the phone
Master: "Oh please don't ring! Don't ring! Don't ring!"
*the phone rings*
Master: *take the Phone On* "Hello...?"
Principal: *In angry Tone In the phone*
Master: "Okay Fine! I will come..." *Sigh*

In Principle Office.
Master: "Oh, so that's what happen...? I'm so sorry, Misses..."
Principal Star: "And Besides, I'm about to take early retirement. Oooh! Lucky me! Yang'll be somebody else's problem!"
Master: "You're retiring? Why, you don't look a day over 50?"
Principal Star: "I'm 31!"
Master: "Ooops. Heh"
Principal Star: "This is what having Yang for a student has done to me! However, now that you're here, it's "Yin" that I'm worried about"
Master: "Yin? Why?"
Principal Star bring Master Power to the Acting Room that messy with a green Goo's.
Master: *Gasp* "Oh how mess....?"
Principal Star: "Mhm..."

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