Christmas Story

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Is the Christmas story! About The Human story one.

Everyone is happy and enjoy the Christmas.
Sweetie Alliances: *Sings for Kids*
SB: *is ice skating with Heart*
Heart: "Hahaha!Yahoo~!"

Yin and Tune is decorations the Christmas Lights.
Tune: "Hei Yin~? Where is Yang?"
Star: "Yeah, why he didn't help us decorating? Or maybe play with The others?"
Yin: "Uh...... He keep in our House with Hyuna <:D he says he hate Cold...."
Cherry: "But why he doesn't try to go outside?"
Yin: "He just like alone on the Christmas...."
Cherry: "It's terrible! He must join us and make This Christmas Special!"
Heart: "Hei, maybe we can visit him and Invite him join us?"
Cherry: "Is great Idea! C'mon!"

When Everyone visit to see Yang.
Yin: *Knock the door*
Yang: "I'm coming... *Open the door* Huh? What is it Yin?"
Yin: "Everyone want you Join them and Help them for Christmas"
Cherry: "Yeah! It will be fun!"
SB: "We can Ice Skating! Build the snowman! And Maybe Snowball Fight!?"

Snowball: "Huh?"
Star: "Not You!"

Yang: "No, I don't Want go outside! I still here with Hyuna, and Just leave me alone! Don't force me to out with you!"
Heart: "But.... Yang! You will be not have a moment With us! You will be feel bad if you miss it!"
Yang: "Hmph! I'm not, and I Don't Care of Christmas!"
SB: "Yang! You will not have a Present from Santa and all you do is Naught!"
Yang: "Christmas... Santa?....Hmph!"
Yin: "Yang...."
Yang: "I hate Christmas!"
Yang Slam the door and leave them.

Star: "Yeah! Thanks for asked so Politely!" *Sarcasm*
Tune: "Why there is people Hate the Christmas? And someone like Yang?"
Star: "Yeah, and maybe..... Yin?"
Yin: "Yes?"
Star: "You know why.... Yang hate Christmas?"
Yin: "......."
Heart: "C'mon Yin, we will help him if is some problems to him"
Yin: *sigh* "Alright...."

Yin: "Last off far years ago, when we not know or meet you yet, Yang is Actually very active and Joy kid, especially, on Christmas"

On 25th of Christmas.
Yin-Yang: *Sleep on the morning*
The Sun is Shining infront their window.
Baggy: "Boys~ get up~ is Christmas today!"
Yang: *wake up first before Yin* !! "Oh yeah! Christmas!!"
Yang get up from the bed, and find that Yin still sleeping.
Yang: "Bro! Wake up! C'mon!"
Yin: "Oh.... Five minutes more...." *Still sleepy*
Yang: "You can sleep Later! Is Christmas Baby! C'mon get up!"
Baggy: *Giggles* "Honey~ your Brother will be up soon, so you better Prepare your self for today"
Yang: "Okay Mom!"

Yang is Take bath, brush his teeth, and eat the Breakfast.
Yin: *Is already with him have breakfast* "Good Morning Big Brother, Merry Christmas!"
Yang: "Merry Christmas! And merry Christmas Mom!"
Baggy: "Oho~ Yangie, you are Sweet, and Merry Christmas"
Yang: *Look his Father Chair table Food and His father not there* "
....Mom? ..... Is Father will be have time with us?"
Baggy: "Yes.... If he can home today, we can"
Yin: "why the Soldiers not have some holiday?"
Baggy: "Do not worry Boys, it will be fine, he will be co...-"
*The phone is Rangs*
Baggy: "be right back"

Baggy: *Take the phone* "Hello? ..... Oh! Hai! ..... So you can come? .......what? ..... Oh.......ouh....... Okay..... Bye...." *Turn off the phone*
Yin: "Who is it Mom?"
Baggy: "Is your Father...... Is like he can't go home today..... He so busy there...."
Yang: "......"
Yin: "Oh..."
Baggy: "But is not like no ones come!"
The door is Knock
Baggy: "There they are!"

Taoism and His mother come to visit.
Yin: "Hello Cousins! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas Aunty!"
Glass (Glass Ball): "Thanks Yin, and Merry Christmas"
Ying: "Hai Yin-Yang! Merry Christmas!"
Yang2: "Hoi....!"
Yin-Yang: "Merry Christmas Cousins!"
Baggy: "Okay kids, you can play outside while your mother talks"
Yin-Yang: "Okay!"

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