The Search

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Author's Note:Just before we start I would like to point out the amazing almost 190 people following me. Oh, and I know I forgot to put one of these in the last chapter.Now, enjoy!
I was greeted by a monarch as I opened my eyes in the morning light, it perched on a small, yellow flower. Something about him looked familiar. As I got up it fluttered its wings until it disappeared into the early sun.
I walked out of the den to find my father and Garth talking while chowing down on  a bundle of berries with an unfamiliar red color."So, what's for breakfast?", I inquired happily, Garth turned around grinning and said,"Non-bitter berries". I sat down next them and took a single blood red berry, I studied it in my paw for a few moments before tossing it into my mouth.
Upon the berry's arrival I found it had a wonderful, smooth texture and a very moist, fruity flavour. These were very unlike the blue berries."Where did you find these?", I said excitedly, he replied in a calm tone,"Well, I was heading into the forest to...""Where?", I said interrupting him"I found them in a bush.", he said."More descriptive, please?", I said annoyed"They were in a bush beside the stream, by a large, orange rock.",replied Garth.
"Can we finish this very important conversation later, there are, as impossible as it may sound, more important things we need to focus on. Like, I don't know, getting out of here.", my dad said mockingly. Garth and I both nodded"Maybe we could follow the stream, there might be a civilization along side it.", Garth replied."That might actually work.", my dad said"Yeah, good idea Garth", I agreed, Garth smiled.
-30 minutes later-
We walked along the gravelly bank of the stream, there were occasional orange, sandy rocks. I noticed small groups of trout swimming through the clear water alongside us as we tread down the river bank. We also soon stumbled upon the red berry bush, so we stopped and grabbed some.
After a while the rocks became larger a in both size and in quantity, and the forest started to get smaller and smaller until there were a few trees scattered about. The stream had also started to undergo some changes of its own: The stream had become a wild river and the walls of the bank had rose above the water to a great extent. The bank had now changed into the same sandy rock as the smaller, scattered rocks.
"We're getting close to something, huff, I can feel it.", my father said tiredly"Maybe we can, huff, take, huff, a break?"Garth said , he also tired from our travels"Sounds, huff, great.", my dad agreed, As soon as I heard this I plopped down on the nearest flat rock I found. The rock was very close to the water, heck the waves overlapped the rock most of the time.
  I almost immediately noticed trout jumping out of the water for a split second before they splashed back into the water to once more jump out again, and the process repeated again and again. I thought about trying to grab one in mid-jump, this plan didn't go very well, as the first few fish slapped me with their tails as I tried to grab them. After a few more slaps Garth saw me and started laughing, I turned around and said,"If it's so easy why don't you try it?!"Garth heard me and said in response,"Well, this'll be a piece of cake.". He then proceeded to try to catch a fish and instead got the same treatment as I. My dad and I were silently laughing as Garth was smacked over and over until my father had finally had enough and said,"Move aside, let me show you amateurs how it's really done.". The first fish to pop out of the water didn't have the same lucky fate as the other fish for my dad had grabbed it with his jaws in a split second. He then turned around smirking from the surprised expressions on Garth and I's faces."How did he do that?!", Garth whispered to me"After a while in a dark, unknown forest you pick up a few things.", my dad replied. We then went on to eat the fish's entire back half, we set the rest of it aside with berries for later. After we put it down Garth, my dad and I looked at the scenery for a while before I turned around and saw something preposterous.
  "Stay still and don't make a sound.",I whispered to the rest of the group, immediately they turned around saw the bear and screamed as loudly as they could. The bear went up on its hind legs and pushed us off of the ledge, into the water."Garth, Dad!", I tried to scream to them before I was dunked underwater, as soon as opened my eyes a rock greeted me."How many times do I have to pass out for this journey to end?!"I thought to myself before immediately blacking out.
Author's Note:Wow, this might be the longest chapter I have ever written, and one of the longest times to make it so hope you enjoyed! And while you're still here, I would like to shout out all of my 192 followers which are:
kbozzy, TrintyWolfArtist, lilly_the_omega, Andrewsellsted, shadowhart123, Kacymoses and many,many more wonderful people following me. And thank you wonderful reader, for reading my book!
So, until next time-Humphreytheomegawolf

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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