Down again

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Dream:I found myself  dangling out of a wolf's mouth by the scruff of my fur wondering what was going on, for all my vision saw was white powder and a blinding orange light.Which  was hard to even make out from my fur blowing in the wind in front of my face and the fact I was bungeeing up and down in the mouth of my carrier.  Chased down with the sounds of screams and crackling entering my ear drum.The final scene I barely saw was sliding across the snow and then seeing none other than a flaming tree crushing, my mother?:End of Dream.I jumped up from the terrible dream I just had"Agh!"I screamed and then whimpered from my leg"What happened?!"Garth said waking up from his sleep.I put on a guilty smile and said,"Sorry bad dream"Garth looked at me sleepily and replied,"Can I please get some sleep?" "Alright"I said trying to waddle out of the den without hurting my leg, that ended painfully.I fell on my stomach a numerous amount of times and then finally one time I almost made it then tumbled on to my stomach as I lay in silence staring out in to the wilderness and then Garth yawned and awoke from his sleep."Hey Humphrey."he said walking past me and chuckled, in response I grumbled in irritation"A little help please?"I asked him "sure",he said smiling an evil smile and grabbed my tail with his paw and dragged me out by it, "What I ever do to you?!"I yelled at him my voice covered by my whimper."Thanks",I said sarcastically as he let go of my tail in the middle of a flower patch.I looked at all of the beautiful colors around me and then back at Garth who was sniffing a buttercup swaying in the small breeze, I quickly turned away from him.When I turned back I was greeted by a monarch
fluttering its wings by my nose on the flower in front of me.This place was really beautiful, and so very familiar it was on the very tip of my tongue.Flashback:Flames rushed through the western territory, two wolves sprinted through the snowy terrain.The female with a pup dangling from his fur in her mouth.The omegas ran to try and escape knowing that many wouldn't.:End of Flashback.And then it hit me, this was my home.A frown spread across my face"so that really wasn't a dream was it just a memory",I thought to myself.The butterfly was looking straight at me a smile soon replaced the frown.I stared at the butterfly for a while, until I heard a loud cracking noise apparently the butterfly heard it too because it fluttered away."What was that?"Garth curiously asked.
   -Old Western Territory Forest-
A tree's old burnt timber started to crack sending a giant splitting sound echoing across the land.It fell knocking over some other trees around it sending them tumbling down the hill as 
  -Old Western Territory Meadow-
I saw treetops disappear in the distance"Um, Garth I think this might answer your question."I said trembling and pointing to the tumbling logs quickly making progress down the side of the hill."Yep defiantly.Now let's go!"he yelled grabbing me and dragging me, but we didn't get far before a cliff stopped Garth in his tracks.Flashback:I was once again dangling in a wolf's mouth until somebody pushed him towards the cliff side and then I slid into a pile of snow but could still barely see the wolf who pushed him sprinting away from the scene.A grey wolf was slipping on watery, melting snow by the cliff side.Another wolf rushed to his side, but it was too late for him.Fire had already surrounded the wolf by the cliff side.At the last second before he fell off the cliff he shouted,"Keep Humphrey safe!"the second he said those words a realized he was my father.:End of Flashback.Time froze for me until I heard Garth yelling,"we're going to have to jump!"my reaction was slow, and when I did respond all that found it's way out was a bunch of gibberish.He grabbed my paw and looked off the side of the cliff then jumped, I decided to see what was happening behind me but was then
greeted by a giant log right in my face but before it could hit me Garth pulled me off the cliff.We were free falling from a massive height with logs right behind us.The wind threatened to tear us into pieces, it felt like we were falling for ages until I heard a giant splash and then felt a stinging pain on my back.I opened my eyes to find bubbles floating up from my snout, we had hit water.I tried to swim to the surface but my leg refused to oblige.My vision was fading, and when I thought it was all over I heard another loud splash and a log landed centimeters from my snout.I quickly grabbed it, seconds later the log's buoyancy sent me rising towards the surface.I was flung from the pond coughing up water and once the pond had settled I took a look around at my surroundings, it was endless forest my heart sank"Great now I'm even farther away from Kate",I thought to myself.
-Southern territory-
King sat at the edge of his den over looking the territory Carson walked up to him"Is the pup dead?"King asked"Yes, we pushed him off the trail into the old western territory.", Carson replied"Acceptable work, how about the alpha?"he replied"he was pushed down as well",Carson answered.King smiled and said,"Good, the girl?" "She's still yelling 'you'll pay and you won't get away with this'."He said.King almost chuckled and said,"You're next, Winston."
Author's Note:So how was it and thank you all for over 100 followers!This is amazing guys I'd like to say thank you to all of those who follow me and those of you who support my stories!Also I'm really sorry for not updating a lot.I just looked in the right corner of the screen that says 1,037 words!

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