The Beggining

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Fire rushed through the western territory,two wolves sprinted through the snowy terrain.The female with a pup dangling by his fur in her mouth.The omegas ran to try to escape the fiery territory knowing that many wouldn't.The alpha's tried to rescue them.These two wolves had been a friend of one of the alphas named Winston.The mother and father were both alphas.The fire spread rapidly around them then suddenly a tree fell and crushed the mother,the pup slid in front of the father"Kristal!",cried out the father.The father picked up the pup by his fur and then ran until he came to a cliff edge, the pup fell out of his mouth and slid into a hill of snow, the father slipped onto his stomach. Before he could get up the fire surrounded him.Winston ran towards him.the snow that he was standing on started melting.Winston was right in front of him the snow melted more."Keep Humphrey safe!",the father called out as the snow melted and he fell off the cliff."No!",Winston yelled as he just lost one of his best friends.Small whimpering came from the snow hill,Winston walked over to it.Winston saw the small pup and picked it up he would proceed his friends' final wish.Winston's crew ran towards the edge of the fire sprinting out Winston turned around to the sight of fire with the sounds of screams.A second after two trees blocked the path,leaving the small civilization to be unseen forever.Winston walked up the steep hill to the main part of the western territory it began to snow lightly."We must return to Dad.",Winston said breaking the silence"What do we tell him?That we lost all of the life that lived there?!",one of his crew stated."That is not true",Winston said turning around and revealing the pup in his mouth"and then?",said the crew member."Um...we'll figure that out later",Winston said" That's comforting .",said another crew member sarcastically."Oh shut it,at least we still have something."
AUTHOR'S NOTE:Did you like the beginning?Well I hope you enjoy this story!If you have any questions about what's happening or anything else put it in the comments and I will be more than happy to answer it!unless it has to do with girlfriends.

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