Planning To The Finest

Start from the beginning

Wha,t do you know about them? I asked,

There two of Aros most favored he spoke,

Why? I questioned,

Their abilities are far greater than most but not enough to over take yours he spoke,

Abilities what do they have? I asked worried,

Your father Daniel has the gift of illusion very powerful he sighed,

Great I looked down,

Your mother Dalilia has a torture ability he shuttered at the thought,

I was shocked that they were still alive it must meant they tricked me into believing they were dead, and now that they would be coming to my wedding that didnt make me feel so great anymore but there was not much else more I could do about it they were coming and I had to be ready,

Jasper was sitting in Carlisles office with the boys they had been planning the honeymoon, Edward, Emmett and Jasper they were all planning it and of course Alice was packing my suitcase for the whole ordeal I was quite scared of that, Jasper looked at the boys trying to figure it out,

Where do I take her? he asked the boys,

How about Bali, Indonesia? questioned Edward,

Too hot he sighed,

Paris, France? asked Emmett,

Too many people he looked up and paused,

I dont know guys I want her to love it he said,

What about Palawan, Philippines Edward suggested

That could work Jazz said after a few, moments,

There is separate Islands so youd be completely private he smiled,

Jasper smiled as he began online ordering tickets and setting things up he decided to go to the Philippines it was great, Jasper hoped I would like this place he had the place custom made and such like Carlisle had made a place for Esme it was cute and it was in the same location just a different island, it sounded like the honeymoon was going to be great but he had no need to worry anymore now that almost everything was ready,

I smiled as I sat downstairs Rose had walked in smiling i knew that smile it was the smile as the invitations were finished and she was ready to show them too me I got up looking at her very excited she smiled at me,

They are finished I just hope you like them she smiled,

I will love it Rosalie! You did it and, you do everything amazing I smiled at her,

Okay okay I hope you're right Lily she said,

I always am remember I giggled,

Well here you go Rosalie handed them to me,


Lilith Dalila Cruorem


Jasper Whitlock Hale

Together with their families

Request the honor of your presence

At the celebration of their marriage

Monday, The Thirty-First of October

Two Thousand and Six

Five OClock In The Evening

240 Woodcroft Ave

Forks, WA


I looked up amazed at Rosalie they were perfect, everything about them was perfect it brought tears to my eyes, she was smiling brightly knowing I liked them just by my emotions I smiled as Jasper came down wrapping his arms around my waist reading over the invitation he smiled looking up at Rosalie and kissed my cheek,

Rosalie there absolutely perfect I softly spoke,

I agree spoke Jasper in a southern twang,

Im glad you think so every coven has been sent and given one she smiled,

Great thank you how many are coming so far? I asked,

Well Bella and her father Charlie are attending the Uley pack the covens already here are so about 5 vampire covens, 1 wolf pack, 2 humans, and ten nomads making for a total of 27 vampires plus the Volturi which makes for 34 attending vampires total she poke calculating in her head,

Wow thats a lot I gulped,

Youll be fine the wedding is tomorrow after all she smiled,

Yes I know I giggled

Your dress is finished! yelled Esme from upstairs,

Really?! Rosalie and I ran up,

Wow repeated both Rosalie and I once we saw it,

it was more beautiful then I could've imagined, the arm bands they were gorgeous Esme had it set up on a mannequin the arm bands the choker the dress it was all so perfect more than anything I could've hoped for she smiled as I hugged her tightly,

Im glad you like it dear she smiled,

I love it Esme its perfect thank you wiped my tears,

Lily youll be lucky if you dont give Jasper a heart attack Rosalie giggled,

Maybe if that was possible for our kind I joked,

Alice had just been coming up smiling, she knew everyone was pleased with the dress and so was she, the night was fading in quickly the sun was dropping I went hunting for the final time today, when I came back Jasper and boys were gone I smirked I hoped he was having fun at his bachelor party as I walked in the door a few more people had shown up for the wedding Bella was spending the night to help me get ready Charlie was coming tomorrow along with the Volturi, I sighed as Alice bombarded me with everything that had to be done tonight to be ready for tomorrow I groaned lighting a smoke she smiled pulling out the list,

Alices List

spa treatment.

manicure and a pedicure

stress-relieving massage


Hair removal

Facial Cleansers

Hair oil treatments

Teeth whiting

Break in your shoes

Prepare your make up

Prepare Hair tools


I groaned this was going to be a long night but it was worth it tomorrow was the big day and I couldnt of been more excited Alice had told me Jasper wasnt allowed to see me until tomorrow so Id be sleeping alone, after he deadly list was completely I had another smoke climbed into a pair of comfy shorts and Jaspers black button up shirt and headed to bed tomorrow was a big amazing day ahead of me.

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