Planning To The Finest

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I headed down to the living room to see Edward and Emmett laughing, I looked at them oddly but I didnt bother to ask questions yet. I smirked to myself heading to the kitchen to get myself a cup of doe blood from the fridge filling a medium sized cup, I began to drink blood didnt phase me anymore at first it bugged me to be drinking such a substance but I had became accustom to it. Jasper had walked in behind me wrapping his arms around my waist smiling as he kissed the back of my head,

Only a few more days left love he smirked,

I know I smiled,

Getting cold feet? he chuckled,

Of course not I bent my head back to look at him,

Jasper had left to go on his usually hunting which meant a hour or more hed be gone I smiled as I walked back into the living room sitting on the chair i stared at Emmett and Edward they just looked at me with devilish grins I smirked there way I wanted to know what they had planned but they may not tell me which made me skeptical,

So what do you guys have planned for the bachelor party? I questioned,

Why should we tell you? Emmett had spoke with a wide grin,

Because Im asking nicely I chuckled,

Hmm maybe Edward spoke softly,

Knock it off and just tell me! I hissed,

Maybe, maybe not Emmett chuckled,

Come on both of you be nice! I just want to know! I smiled,

Okay I guess we can spill the beans not like Jasper can read your mind they chuckled,

Finally I groaned,

Were going to hunt some bears few mountain lions take him for a few drinks really Emmett smirked,

No strippers? I asked oddly,

Maybe a few Edward chuckled at the thought,

Great I hope you boys have fun! I smirked,

I left the living room and headed to my room making sure everything was in place for Alice and Rosalie for the big day I smiled it wasnt too much longer it made everything seem so perfect to me it was all falling into place as if it was a puzzle that had to be mended together, I looked out the window at the forest such green pine trees and green grass I could smell the earth tones of the dirt, my life was becoming better by the decade it made things so much easier I heard a vase drop as I ran downstairs to Alice I knew it was her,

Alice what did you see? I asked worried,

The Volturi are attending the wedding but I see two other faces I dont recognize

Draw them I asked I handed her a pencil and paper,

Who are they? she asked when she stopped,

My parents I gulped,

What? She asked confused,

Thats my parents I thought they died I said unsure of what to think,

How is that possible? she asked,

They must be immortal I said,

I know them, Carlisle spoke as he looked at the picture,

Eleazar! Carmen yelled,

Yes? he asked worriedly,

Do you know them? she asked showing him the picture,

Yes he said gravely,

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