


Saint was highly pissed off when he heard about the police holding Juan in for questioning

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Saint was highly pissed off when he heard about the police holding Juan in for questioning. He knew for a fact that his brother was the reason for all of this and he wanted to know why Twan had it out for him so tough. He never knew why, but since he didn't care he never asked, but now things were starting to get out of hand with them two.

"Babe? There's a Santana here to see you. She claims she's your sister." One of Saint's side pieces said, peeking her head into his home office.

"Bitch don't do me! I am his sister!" He heard her snap. She pushed the door open and shoved the girl out of her way.

Saint just shook his head as he dismissed the girl so he could talk to his sister

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Saint just shook his head as he dismissed the girl so he could talk to his sister. He was surprised to hear from her since he hadn't heard from in almost two whole days. He wondered what she had been up to since she was popping up unexpectedly.

"Hey big brother." She smiled, walking into his office. "You really need to get you a new, respectful side piece because that bitch out there almost got my expensive heel in her ass." Saint chuckled as he hugged his baby sister. She was still the same gorgeous, hot head girl with absolutely no filter. Just like she was when they were growing up.

"Don't come to my crib acting a fool, Santana. Where the hell your ass been anyways?"

"Oh here and there really. I was just in the neighborhood and I wanted to stop by and see you." She said. She sat down in his chair and propped her legs up on his desk. He knocked her feet off of his desk and glared at her.

"Don't disrespect me by putting your feet on my desk!" He snapped.

"Whatever nigga. Anyway...have you seen or heard from Santwan?" Saint looked at Santana as if she had just lost her damn mind. She knew good and well that they didn't get along so why even ask that? Just hearing his brother's name made Saint's blood start boiling.

"Nah I haven't." Santana sensed how her brother's mood instantly shifted so she quickly changed the subject,

"So dad is doing better. I went by to see him earlier and he's starting to look good and everything." She said. Saint just nodded his head as she started shuffling through some paperwork. Though he talked to his dad every other day, he hasn't been by to see him in a while. It's not that he didn't want to, it was just that he was extremely busy and he didn't want to see his dad in his current situation. His dad was the only person that was there for him and his siblings growing up and he admired his dad for stepping up and taking care of them after their mom abandoned them.

"That's good. I'll have to go see him soon."

"You say that, but you'll never do it." Santana said, rolling her eyes. She knew her brother meant well, but at the same time, she felt like she was the only person that gave a damn about their dad.

"I'm not in the mood, Santana. I've had a really long day and now isn't the time for your smart ass remarks." He snapped.

"Hey I'm just saying, but I'll leave it alone. Anyways...I think we should grab dinner one night this week. Me, you, and Twan." She said.

"Nah. That's out of the question."

"Oh my god, why?"

"You know why! Twan and I aren't exactly on the same page right now and as much as I want to spend time with ya'll...Twan and I will ruin it by getting into a fight." And I'll probably kill his ass. He thought to himself.

"Okay so...what if I talk to him and make him agree to be on his best behavior. Then will you be down?" She asked.

"Sure Santana. Whatever man." He huffed. He was already annoyed by his sister's peacemaking bullshit, but at least she was trying to put an end to their feud. That was the thing he loved the most about his baby sister. Even when she wasn't trying, she would try her hardest to bring peace to their family.

"Yay! Okay I'll let you get back to work, but I'll let you know after I talk to him. In the meantime, keep your head up big bro. The Alvarez triplets will be back and better in no time." She said. She blew him a kiss, grabbed her purse, and walked out of his office. Though Saint was skeptical about this whole dinner ordeal, he was going to do whatever he could to better his relationship with his brother. 

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