Sin City Final Pt.

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But before I could answer Sam intervened "Um, you remember the guy I was with last night? We sat right here. Umm...have you seen him around at all today?"

"Maybe. Depends,"

"D-depends on what?" I rolled my eyes

"Depends on if I can get her number," I smiled

"Gotta pen?" he handed one over and I wrote down the digits on a napkin handing it over. "Room number included," I winkied

"He left with Casey about an hour ago,"

"Any idea where they went?" Sam asked

"Her place...for Bible study,"

"All right, you got an address?"

"What's wrong with you? You think I'm gonna give you a co-worker's address, just so you can go over there and get your freaking peepin-tom rocks off?" Sam looked over at me and I sighed, touching the barman's hand.

"Thank you so much for your help," I got up from my seat "Come on Sammy,"

"Selina?! We don't know where..."

"Corner of Piemont and Clinton," I told him

"How?" I flashed my eyes black "Right..."


Sam knocked on the door before it swung open, Sam waited a bit as I strolled right on in "Dean?" I called out.

"Sulfur," I looked back at Sam, who was looking at a picture of Casey with a guy, and a cross necklace hanging on top of it.


I sat at the bar as Sam left Bobby a message, I smiled at the barman "Bobby, It's Sam. We got a big problem. I found some sulfur, and now I can't find Dean. Call me as soon as you get this." he moved in between me and the barman.


"Excuse me." Sam said "Um, they weren't there,"

"I guess you got to cath your jollies another night. Here. Why don't you have a drink...and relax?"

"Yeah, I don't want to relax! What is it with the people in this town?"

"Suit yourself-" the barman handed me the shot "princess," before I could down the shot Sam pulled me away.

"Father," Sam greeted

"Yes?" Father Gil asked

"Um...can we, can we talk to you for a sec?" Father Gil nodded and we sat down. "So, the, the bartender the other night, Casey. You know her pretty well?"

"Since she was in pigtails,"

"Well, um, she and our brother, they, uh...." Sam paused

"They left tonight. Together," I finished

"Ah. Well...not that I approve, but they are consenting adults,"

"Right," Sam said

"I, I'm sorry. You said 'brother'. I thought the three of you were insurance investigators?"

"Right, right. Well, well we are. Um, it's like a family business, you know?"


"Anyways, um, so, so, I went to Casey's apartment, and they weren't there. I, I, I just have this feeling that they...that they might be in trouble?"

"What kind of trouble?"

"Just...trouble. Look, please, Father, I, I need your help. Is there anything you could tell me about Casey-anyplace she'd go, maybe...?"

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