Sin City Final Pt.

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Dean sat a table, a large burger in front of him. He hung up his cell phone and looked at it speculatively. I eyed the burger next to him, calculating the risks of taking it. "Thanks." Sam said as he returned to our table with beers, placing a coke in front of me. "You do realize there's red meat within striking distance, right?"

"Now you're just ruining it for me," I huffed

Dean ignored us "How many times I got to tell Richie, he's gonna get himself in trouble?"

"Dean, you're assuming he's missing. I mean, maybe he just bailed," Sam said

"He's a moron." I said "I mean, he's a sweet moron, but he's not a coward. He wouldn't just bail,"

"I got to go find him,"

I stopped Dean "I'll go find him..." Dean looked at me and I huffed "Out of all of us...who is far better at tracking,"

"You don't have wolf sense anymore..." Dean pointed out as I sat back down "Check mate," I growled at him as he left.

"Hey come on Selina, you and me can trail this Trotter guy," Sam said


"Yeah. I don't know. Something about the way he looked at me last night. Maybe there is something going on here," I noticed Dean's burger still on the table.

"Yeah it's called going in my belly," I said as I took the burger causing Sam to chuckle.


Sam and I stood outside Trotter's officer, where Trotter was talking to his henchdude. Sam's phone ran, startling him. "Smooth Samuel," I hissed

"Dean." Sam said in a hushed voice "Yeah. Hey. I can't talk right now. Yeah, we're fine. Just, us at the bar in 20 minutes, okay?" Sam hung up. I noticed the henchguy come out of Trotter's office and grabbed Sam teleporting us away. "Warn me next time," Sam hissed

"Shh!" Trotter and his Henchdude walked out of Trotter's office. I watched for a second from the hallway, then teleported into the office. I started rifling through the desk, looking at calendar, keys...suddeny the Henchdude was there, taking a swing at me. I punched him hard, repeatedly, when I felt a gun to my neck.

"What are you doing here?" Trotter asked

"I think maybe you know,"

"Yeah? Well, I think I'm calling the cops!"

"Cops?" I asked surprised

"Breaking and entering, assault-you're in a peck of trouble, my friend,"

I twisted around, grabbing the gun from Trotter, and pointed it at both men. "All right, back up! Get back,"

"Money's in the safe! Take it and go,"

"I don't want your money..." I looked behind at Sam "Let's go,"

But Sam being Sam, splashed both men with holy water. The flinched and sputtered from the sudden spritz of cold water, and looked outraged, but nothing else happened.

"What kind of psycho are you?"

I turned and grabbed Sam, walking rapidly out of the office, Sam grimaced in embarrassment as we hurried to the bar.

"You like kind of tense." A prostitute told Sam "You know, I know a surefire way to relax,"

"Maybe later." Sam said "Excuse me,"

"Hi," I said as I realized it was the guy from earlier.

"What can I get for you?" The guy asked

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