Not Afraid

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(Gwen's P.O.V)

While running about in a panic I found Carter making his rounds. I stopped him and merely showed him my bloody arm before he ushered me to the servant's quarters. I actually found comfort in the man's aged face, his handle bar mustache always made me smile, it reminded me of my grandfather who I'm sure by now has passed away. As he poured a burning liquid over my cut he spoke up. "Madame, I don't mean to pry or speak out of turn but I feel I must ask this of you." I turned my head up to show that I was listening. "Madame, Master Chris is a bit at war with himself since your arrival. Though his self control is obviously lacking I must ask you to try and forgive his failings. He truly cares for you and... To put it bluntly love isn't an emotion he's had to handle before." I cocked my head and responded.

"I already forgave him, I should've reminded him to eat before but I was so excited to run outside I forgot too." Carter chuckled warmly.

 "My, you're much too perfect for him Madame. I don't think I've ever met a young lady who felt bad for being bitten." Carter finished wrapping my wound but before he let go of my arm he spread a light oil over the bandage. I suppose he noticed my confusion and said. "Clove oil, it diminishes the smell of blood. And Master Motionless hates the taste so it will keep his fangs off of you. I smiled and thanked him as he lead me back out of the servant's quarters. As we walked I asked. "Where do you keep the blood bags for Master?" 

"In the main Kitchen freezer, there's a small cooler in the back. I'm sure he's called for one already but I doubt he'll turn down a second one." 

"Thank you Carter, you're so kind to me."

"Ah, you give Master Chris purpose a kindness to you is a kindness to him." Carter waved goodbye to me as he continued on his rounds. I made my way to the main kitchen found the blood bags just where Carter had said they'd be. I pulled out one that read AB+, I wasn't sure about how they differed or if at all. I trotted up the stairs but slowed to a stop outside Master's door. I hoped he wouldn't be mad at me for coming back around. My wound was covered after all so he shouldn't get after me... I knocked on the door gently before hearing an irritated. "Come in..." I entered hesitantly, peeking my head around the door first. I saw my Master hunched over, facing away from the door. I tip toed in and knelt by my Master's legs and peered up at him, noticing his his eyes were clenched shut. I reached out a shaky paw towards his leg. I tapped him gently, he opened his eyes and looked at me sharply. When he noticed it was me his eyes softened and he gave me a sad smile. "Hello little one, I'm sorry for what I did I-" I placed the blood bag on his thigh, making him stop. "You gotta keep up on your blood Master..." I almost thought Master was about to cry, he only took the blood bag and put it on his nightstand and scooped me up off the floor. He held me tight and I swear I felt my shoulder moisten with his tears. 

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