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(Chris' P.O.V)

I laid in my own bed reading Misery halfheartedly as I waited for Carter to bring me my evening blood bag, I had to restrain myself on mine and Gwen's walk this afternoon. Over the scent of the flowers and summer air I could just catch her most natural scent. Her blood smelled divine, almost like a soft Merlot with a woodsy backing. Sadly if I even took a drop of her subtle blood I might make her faint. As I grazed down the pages of the book without truly reading the words I heard the faintest of cries. I put the book aside and listened carefully for a moment longer until I was sure the pitiful whimpers were coming from across the hall. I was on my feet in a heartbeat, moving to my dear kittens bedroom. I opened the door to find a squirming figure on the bed. I switched on the light and saw my poor girl's face contorted in fear. I was quick to her bedside, shaking her shoulder and speaking softly. When her eyes opened she let out a shriek, she jumped from the bed and was at the other side of the room faster than I could blink. On her casted leg she fumbled a bit and leaned against the wall. Her legs shook as she looked at me with wild, frantic eyes. I dared not move, thinking that perhaps it might frighten her more if I did. "Darling, it's just me. Come now it's alright it was just a nightmare." As some of the fear faded from her eyes she slid against the wall and onto the floor. She began sobbing uncontrollably, I now decided it was alright to move forward. I eased onto the floor beside her and brought her into a gentle hug which she surprisingly reciprocated. She had her face against my chest as she cried great tears. Her claws dug into my night shirt as she clung to me for dear life. She had now crawled into my lap, being as close to me as possible. "H-he c-c-ca-ame ba-a-ack!" She screamed into my chest. I held her tight, tight as I could without breaking her in two. "Ssshhh... It's okay darling... He's not here, it's just me. I'm right here, he will never get you while I'm here..." She continued to cry for quite a bit longer until at last her sobbing reduced to mere hiccups and the occasional sniffle. She calmed down enough to look up at me and begged. "D-don't ma-make me sleep a-alone! P-please I'll b-be a-a-a good g-girl for you!" Her words honestly broke my heart, and there was no possible way I could say no to her... I stood up with my little Gwendolyn and took her over to my room. I laid her beneath the comforter and was about to cover her in them when she reached out towards my sweat pants, tugging at the hem. I jumped back a bit and looked at her confused. "Gwendolyn what were you doing?" She cocked her head to the side in honest question. "Being a good girl for you..." I didn't think my heart could break anymore tonight.... I knelt down beside the bed and stroked her hair. "Darling, no. You're already my good girl. You don't need to do me any... favors..." It actually seemed to just dawn on her that she didn't have to thank me in a sexual way. "B-but, he, he said I-I had too..." 

"Now Gwendolyn, whatever that Monster told you I need you to forget right now. Until YOU want to do things like that then I don't want you to try anything to thank me. The look of relief that washed over Gwen's face can't be described well enough but it was something that truly warmed me. I kissed the top of her head gently and went to crawl into bed on the side of her. As I laid down I felt Gwen tap my shoulder. When I looked to her she asked me shyly. "C-Can I still cu-cuddle you?" I smiled and turned on my side, pulling her against my chest. She giggled sweetly before beginning to drift off. Just before she let out the smallest snore I heard her mutter. "I love my Master..."

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