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Caitlin's POV:
I was in my lab feeling like my heart was getting ripped out of my chest. I heard Cisco yell, "no Barry, no!" So I ran out of my lab to see what was going on. "What happened?" I asked Cisco. "Barry... he..." Cisco choked out. "Cisco please, what happened?" I asked again as my eyes began to fill with water. "Barry and the reverse flash we're fighting and Barry fell to the ground and I'm like pretty sure that... Barry's...in..." said Cisco. "Barry's in a what?" I said as tears rolled down my face. "He's...in a...He's in a coma." Said Cisco. "Where is he at?" I said with a worried tone. "He's at the park." Said Cisco. "We have to get him!" I yelled, "We can't!" Yelled Cisco back. "Why not!" I yelled at Cisco. "Because the reverse flash could still be there and I don't want anyone else getting hurt." Said Cisco as he walked away. "Well I'm going to get him." I said as I ran out of star labs.

I drove to the park as fast as I could. It seemed like I was driving forever, but I finally got there.

I ran in the park looking for Barry, but there was no site of him, But I saw a body laying on the ground. "Barry..." I mumbled as I sprinted to him. There was blood all over him. He was laying there and there was not site of reverse flash. I had to figure out a way to get him to the car.

I finally found away to get him in the car. I wanted to hug him so badly. I wrapped my arms around him as he lay there unconscious. I finally let go. I realized that I might have feeling for Barry Allen. No, I can't possibly have feelings for Barry. We are just really good friends, that's all. Plus, he loves iris, not me of course. I thought to myself as I drove back to star labs.

At star labs
Cisco helped me put Barry on the medical bed, after that I cleaned off the blood on him. I wonder how long he will be in the coma for, three days,  three weeks, three months. He can't be in another coma for that long because he was just in a coma for nine months a little while ago, but it could happen sadly. I just hope we don't lose him.

All of my happiness was destroyed, Barry always knew how to cheer me up. He always helped me when I was becoming depressed about Ronnie. He was also a hero. He chose to help people with his powers instead of seek revenge and hurt people. He would always be willing to help any one in need.

One time me and Barry were walking down the street, and he saw a homeless man in horrible condition and he gave him all the money in his wallet which was one hundred  dollars. He was so kind hearted it could put a smile on anyone's face. He also knew how to make you smile. Whenever I  was ever sad, depressed, or lonely Barry would always sit next to me and tell me jokes. He is just so sweet. Oh my god! Am I falling for Barry Allen? Maybe I am but
What isn't there to like about
Barry, he is the sweetest guy ever! Like seriously, I have never met a guy sweeter than Barry. He is also charming, he is so adorable to be honest, his smile can brighten up a room that is full of darkness. And his eyes don't get me started on his eyes you could get lost in his beautiful eyes, but I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. "Ahh!" I screamed as I jumped, but then I realized it was only Cisco.
He was laughing so hard he probably could have started rolling on the floor If he wanted to because he was seriously laughing that hard. "Cisco? Are you ok?" I asked as he started to not laugh as much as he was. "You looked hilarious, your face was priceless!" Laughed Cisco. "Well you shouldn't have scared me." I said as I crossed my arms. "Well you were staring at the wall for like fifteen minutes. so you can't blame me there." Said Cisco. "Well how's Barry's doing? " I asked, "he's doing fine still sleeping though." Said Cisco as he pointed over to Barry who was still sleeping. "Well I should better head out." He said. "Ok bye Cisco." I said as he walked out. Now I was left there alone mwell not really since Barry's here but it didn't feel like that it felt lonely. It felt dark. I decided it was about time to go home so I went over and said goodbye to Barry. As I walked out I heard a Big Bang. I ran over to see if Barry was okay. He was. He was still in the medical bed. But one of the computers had somehow fallen down. So I picked it up. As I was walking out I heard another Big Bang so I ran back and I saw that Barry was no longer in the medical bed but on the floor rubbing his head.

"Barry?! Are you alright?" I said as I ran over to help him up then I hugged him. "I-I'm-I'm fine." He choked out. "What happened?" He added. "Well you were fighting the reverse flash and you got injured so badly that he put you in a short coma." I said as water started to fill my eyes as he hugged me (I hugged him back, of course). "Hey Cait, can I stay at your place because I know that Iris won't leave me alone if I go back to Joe's." said Barry. I stood there for a second then nodded my head.

Authors note:
I hope you like this chapter I made it a lot longer than the other chapter. I will try to update this next Monday.

Word count:

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